Chapter 8-Adrenaline Junkie

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The end of the week meant that Hiromasa and I were once again standing in front of that abandoned apartment at night, staring at Saki, a devilish smile spread wide across her face. Hiromasa was wearing his cheesy grin, as always. Why was he even here? I clearly had my own mental issues I was working out, but he was pretty well adjusted, so what joy could a straight going, vanilla guy be getting out of this?

"So," Saki said. "I've been doing some thinking about what we should do today." She fell silent.

"And?" I asked.

She smiled and beckoned us to follow, leading us around the back of the apartment

"I've come up with something fun, that isn't even illegal." She cocked her head to the side. "Well, at least not as illegal as spray painting public places."

"Knowing you, that won't make this any better," I said.

She looked back at me and grinned. I hate it when I'm right.

She led us up to the second floor and slipped through the window the same way she had the first night we hung out. I followed her without being prompted this time. Hiromasa was understandably hesitant.

"Come on," Saki urged. "Nothing in here is going to bite you." She paused. "Well, except maybe me."

Hiromasa entered through the window slowly. "Are you sure this is all right?"

Saki shrugged. "I've never gotten busted for being in here. Good enough?"

"Not really." His eyes darted around the room.

She groaned. "You're such a scaredy-cat. Want me to hold your hand?"

"N-no," he stuttered.

She sighed. "Come on then."

We followed her to the room with the futon and candles. She grabbed a label-less glass bottle that sat against the wall. It was a slightly different shape, and had a lot more liquid left in it than the one she had last time. She unscrewed the lid and took a drink from the bottle.

"Want some?" She held the bottle out to me.

I put my hands up and shook my head. "No thanks."

She moved the bottle towards Hiromasa. He shook his head rapidly.

She sighed and lowered the bottle to her side. "Fine, but this is going to be a lot more fun buzzed."

"Um...does someone live here?" Hiromasa pointed at the futon.

"Yeah, me, on occasion." Saki said.

Hiromasa smiled. "Cool. Like a clubhouse."

That guy was so clueless sometimes.

Saki laughed. "Sure, why not?"

We went back down the hall and out the window, Saki toting her bottle the whole way. Once we were outside, she set it down on the concrete floor of the balcony.

"Do we get to know what we're doing yet?" I asked.

"Well, I could tell you, but it would be so much more fun to show you," Saki said.

She went to the railing and used it to push herself up, then flipped one leg after the other over the side. She grasped the top metal bar and leaned back, away from the building, keeping her feet braced against the corner of the ledge.

"Quit messing around." I held out my hand to her. "You're going to get hurt."

She smiled, let go of the railing, and fell.

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