Chapter 2

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Justin was at work, stocking the shelves of the different goods that could be purchased, or stolen if one was inclined to such a strange route. He found it a relaxing and thoughtful time. Just him and continuous work. Sure, he would help the occasional customer, but mostly he was so lost in his thoughts. First, his thoughts had been about the pretty redheaded girl who he had helped earlier. He had taken Madra back to his place, and so she knew where to go. Next, he had brought her to an auto shop where she could get her car fixed. It was a place Justin trusted, and also did a free towing service if the car was within the town, and the person actually paid for the shop to do all the work the car needed. On top of that, they had good service and rates. Didn't hurt that he was friends with the owner's son; Justin was able to get her a discount. He then unhooked a single key from his key ring and gave it to her before he left. It was his house key. He let her know he'd be back home a little after ten at night.

That had been about an hour ago, it was now already five in the afternoon. Justin's thought had next drifted on over to his dreams of many different things. He wanted to either be a successful writer, game developer or even a superhero. Those had been his dreams since he was a kid. Realistic or not, he still held fast ahold of them. Never letting them go.

They were a lifeline.

They were his lifeline.

Justin had been so deep in thought that he hadn't realized how long time had really passed. He looked over and saw the girl from last night. He stopped working and stared at her. At the end of the aisle, to his left, she just stood there. In the same thin shirt, she had worn the previous night. It was appropriate clothing in this heat, but he remembered how cold it had strangely gotten the night before.

He felt a hand on his right shoulder.

"Justin!" His manager said looking at him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just fine." He felt no urge to tell him about the girl he had been staring at.

"Well, it's your break."

"Already?" Justin asked surprised.

"Yeah, had been for nearly ten minutes now."

"Ah, guess I was just deep in thought," Justin said placing the merchandise down.

The manager walked away. Justin turned to look at the girl again.

She was gone.

*     *     *     *     *

When Justin had finished with his day at work, it was nearly eleven at night. And he felt like playing some video games, going to some local places to watch live music or anything. The previous night he had gone to bed a bit early since he wasn't feeling well, but now he was feeling well, he was back and at night he came to life. He felt a strange giddy excitement at night. He figured he would forgo the music or anything else in town, and he would instead go back to his place and check up on Jenna.

He also wondered about that other girl. Had she really been in his store, or was he seeing things? Justin drove back to his place. The lights were not on in the house. He thought she'd be awake when he got there, but apparently, she was not. He walked into his house quietly. The place inside was as still as the night had been outside. He didn't see her in the living room, so perhaps she had decided to stay in his bedroom after all. He passed the couch and turned the light on the end table. He found his house key on there and pocketed it. She had been here, but now it seemed she was not. He checked all rooms, nothing, and found the bedroom door. He opened it, turned on the light, and found it strangely empty.

He felt a chill run down his spine.

"Where are you?" Justin had whispered aloud.

Then he realized she must have finally felt weird about the whole thing, and left to stay at a hotel or something. But she said she didn't have enough money. She barely had enough to get her car fixed.

Lonely Mists of the ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora