THE END Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to To All My Fans

Chapter 9

4 years later

“I’m proud to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The preacher said

As you can see Tyler and I have just renewed our vows after 5 years of being married.

“I love you.” He said as we got out of the limo

 “I love you too.” I replied

“Mommy, Daddy!” Brad, Avalon, and our youngest Eoin (Owen)

“Hey guys.” We both said

“Mommy!” Eoin yelled

“Yeah buddy?” I asked

“I love you.” He said

“I love you too.” I replied

“Hey what about me?” Tyler asked

“I love you too Daddy.” Eoin said running to him

“I love you too. I love all of you.”

“We love you too Tyler.” Marchand said

“Shut up.” Tyler told him

“Uncle Brad!” All three kids yelled while running to him

“Hey guys let’s go see Auntie Kelsey.” He said as the kids climbed him

“I love you and I will always.” Tyler said

“I love you to Ty I always had even before David introduced us.” I replied wrapping my arms around him

“I know I’ve made three promises to you but here’s the fourth one. I promise you that no matter what happens we will always be together. Also I will never stop loving you no matter what.”  He said

“Thank you. Tyler I also want to make a promise to you. I promise that you are the only one I have loved you were my first boyfriend and first person I loved and the only one.” I told him

Tyler wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt both of our lips crash together like the first time I had kissed him at the Garden. All those memories came back. How David never wanted me to be with him but let it happen because he saw a change in Tyler.

I had everything I wanted I had an amazing husband and I had three gorgeous children. Even though I didn’t have my mom I knew she was here with me. I always had a feeling that she sent me Tyler. I know it sounds crazy but if I never met Tyler I probably would still be single.

“I love you.” Tyler whispered in my ear

“I love you too.” I replied

I never thought me Riley Bauer well now Riley Seguin would have married Tyler Seguin.

Thank you mom for giving these beautiful gifts. I thought to myself and I heard my mother’s voice reply.

 “You deserve him and your family. I love you.”

I started to cry.

“Babe what’s wrong?” Tyler asked

“Nothing everything is perfect.” I replied feeling a smile spread across my face

“Are you guys coming in soon?” David asked

“Yeah we’ll be there in a second.” Tyler yelled “You coming?” he asked

“I’ll be there in a second you can go ahead in. I want to be out here by myself for awhile.” I replied

“Thanks mom you always know best.” I said looking up at the stairs

I learned something from being with Tyler that love is the most beautiful, amazing thing. If David never told me to go out with Tyler I never would have liked him. I listened to my heart and that is where I found my happiness.

I was told not to fall in love with a guy by the name of Tyler Seguin but I did. I knew somewhere in my heart that he was the one for me and I love him with all my heart. I shouldn’t fall in love with you but I did and falling in love with you was the best decision I have ever made.



Thank you all for eading this story i'm sad the first story i posted on wattpad is over but i have a lot more to write. Thanks again and i hope you like the ending i find it sweet. Thanks again and to all who were my original fans i love ya.

Em<3 :)

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