Your Fallout Shelter

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If you, like me, live within the UK, then the arrival of a nuclear attack will be heralded by the Civil Defence Siren. This is a single note/wail that will rise and fall. In the ideal world you would expect at least 2-3 minute warning, but sadly this isn't the ideal world. In this reality, you could expect anything between 10 minutes and 30 seconds so you know, let us hope that it's the former.

Also, in the ideal world, the nuclear attack will not be a complete surprise, but probably expected. So, if we are to learn anything from the past, which I know humans aren't great at, we have had some time to plan.

During the Cold War, the UK government launched an educational scheme about how to prepare for nuclear attacks, it was called the protect and survive scheme. And, to be completely honest, half of the information that was given was useful, and the other half was about as useful as shoving a pineapple up your neighbour's arsehole and sticking your head between your knees. There are too reasons for this: one, the effects of radiation were not completely understood by anyone, and two, to keep you out of trouble. I will be giving information from this scheme and my own knowledge.

Fallout- radioactive fallout is radioactive dust which follows a nuclear explosion. It cannot be felt. seen or tasted but it is there. And it will kill you. You will need to protect yourself.

Your fallout shelter:

Your fallout shelter is not only the ideal place to hide and avoid those you don't like, but also a brilliant defence between you and the nuclear blast, effects of radiation, and falling debris.

Step 1) choose your fallout room. This is a room away from outside doors or windows, preferably a basement or ground floor room. It must have structural wall and enough space for you, your family, food, water, clothes and supplies. If your fallout room has am outside wall, fill bags with soil and sand and pack them along the outside of the house, this will give you protection.

Step 2) Build your inner refuge. Place 2 or 3 doors along the wall at roughly a 45' angle, to form a right angled tringle. Them cover the outside of the doors with mattresses, heavy furniture, bags of dirt and soil and heavy fabrics (like curtains and bedding). Inside the Inner Refuge, place pillows and blankets.

Step 3) Supplies. You will need supplies. These will include:

-Food and water (Ration these, they may have to last for 14 days or more)


-Hand-wound Radio

-Maps of the local area

-Pens and Paper

-Books (Optional, although they may come in handy)

-Cooking implements and tools (Camping stove, frying pan, etc)

-Cans of food

-Weapons (I hate to say it but if looters arrive, you may have to defend yourself)


Food will be a scarcity after a nuclear attack so make sure you have plenty of it. You will have to fight for survival once society falls.

Also, make sure you have medical supplies, there is a harsh reality to this; the UK population will fall to medieval numbers, between 4-11 million. Those who can work get more food than those who can't.

Bring protection from the elements. You will need protection from: the nuclear blast, radiation, the following 4 year nuclear winter and once that passes, the sudden rise in UV levels due to the destroyed atmosphere. Cancers ans Cataracts will be widespread. Cover up. In the nicest way possible, it's better they die than you, more food for you, to put it bluntly.


Stay tuned for another part, hopefully soon (ish).

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