Hetalia~ World Domination

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Alfred peered inside the crack in the door and watched Arthur speak on the phone. He always seemed to be on the phone at this time of day, as well as the same person. And everyday the teenage American watched through the small crack in the door with curiosity. Arthur sighed from the other side of the door as he clicked the phone off and laid it upon the table. He ran his fingers through his tussled blonde hair in frustration and collapsed in the nearest chair.

"Hey Iggy?" America stepped in hesitantly as he adjusted his glasses.

"Oh, Alfred! I didn't see you there..." Britain exclaimed, slightly startled from his appearance.

Alfred yawned and rubbed his eyes and sat next to the Brit tiredly. It was a bit late and darkness was setting in the house, only making it even stranger that Arthur would have a repeated phone call nearly every day.

"Who were you talking to?" he asked and tilted his head on Arthur's shoulder to meet his eyesight.

"What phone call?" Britain asked nervously as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"The one you just ended" Alfred replied sternly, even seriously for the first time.

"Oh, that's nothing... It's just my boss Al, don't worry about it" He answered with a slight smile and ruffled America's tangled hair.

Alfred nodded, to tired to speak about it any further and stood. He brushed his pants off and turned to Arthur as he kissed his forehead softly before heading to bed. He stumbled right into bed, falling face first. Alfred's eyelids closed slightly and thought for a few spare minutes.

'What's with Arthur? He never really gets calls from his boss at this time of night... Wonder what's really going on with him. Hmmmm..... man thinking is hard! Oh well, I'll ask him about it later' Alfred shrugged and arched his back. He slipped into some shorts and knocked out in less than a second.

Meanwhile, Arthur a headed back into his bedroom, with sleepiness weighing on his eyelids. He rubbed his eyes and sat on the edge of his own bed in thought. Many of the thoughts landed on the phone call from earlier and Alfred. Of course, the two had some! sort of connection. Although he did not wish to tell America this, not yet. Arthur clutched his head and let out an exasperated sigh and fell backwards on his bed.

'He'll find out sooner or later..... But not just yet, just a few more weeks.... Sure, first I need to find out how to lie...' Britain's thoughts whirled and pounded in his mind. Soon Arthur slipped into deep sleep, not to mention in his clothes rather than his pj's.


Alfred stirred in is sleep and shifted in bed uncomfortably. A pair of blue orbs snapped open at the sound of a soft thump across the hallway. He swung his legs over the bed and swiped his glasses from the desk. America placed them on the bridge of his nose and stumbled out of bed with a blanket draped over his shoulders. He headed down the dark passageway and slipped into Britain's room. Arthur was on the floor, face down and still in his clothes from earlier. Alfred chuckled softly as picked him up gently and carefully. He laid Arthur down on the bed and removed his shirt, leaving him in a sleeveless under shirt. Removing the blanket that once was his own warmth, Alfred tucked Arthur in before leaving quietly. It was quite odd though. Arthur never slept in his daylight clothing, rather than fall on the floor without waking up along with a ranting fit. America just shrugged it off once more and ate five hamburgers before falling into deep sleep once again.


Sunlight shone through the window as Britain rubbed his eyes. He stretched his arms out tiredly and yawned. His eyes glanced around his surroundings sleepily. But then widened in realization. Alfred's blanket was wrapped around his torso and lower body. Arthur was also in his sleeveless under shirt. Now alarmed, he stumbled out of bed and swung open his desk drawer. He scanned the whole thing until the small envelope was found still tucked safely in the corner of the box. Arthur let out a sigh, although still not convinced. He stripped off his old clothing and replaced them with his Uk flag t-shirt over some jeans. He sprinted to Alfred's bedroom down the hall and creaked it open a bit. He gazed at the young blonde sprawled on the bed with hamburger wrappings scattered along with him.

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