Reconnections and Revelations

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Chapter 1 -  Reconnections and Revelations

Oliver was engaged in a firefight. He had chased down some Triad members who were in town. Apparently there was a bidding process going on for the contract to kill the new district attorney. Several of the criminal elite in Starling were looking for a good assassin. The more he found out about the criminal element and how it worked the more he realized it ran just like the government. The irony of his mother running for mayor grew stronger every day.

He ducked and rolled as bullets came flying from his right. He found some shadows to hide in to try to get a line of sight on the gunmen. He sensed a presence on his left., he spun and saw a man that looked completely out of place standing there. He was in a beige trenchcoat, a blue tie, suit coat and slacks. He had short wavy black hair and an odd expression on his face. He was also completely exposed to the gunfire.

“Are you insane?” Oliver yelled as he dove forward to push the man down. When he connected it felt like he had run into a granite cliff. The man did not move a step.

“No. I’m an angel.”

Oliver felt a hand on his shoulder then came the strangest sensation. He felt  like he was traveling at an incredibly high speed. He swore he saw the planet Earth from space then everything stopped and he was in the middle of a different firefight.

“What the hell? “ Oliver swore as he ducked down and tried to get his bearings. Instead of a dark alley in Starling City he was outside of an abandoned farmhouse.

“Cas! Really? “ he heard a familiar voice. A voice that he shouldn’t be hearing.

“Dean, you need help. I have to find Sam and you can’t do this alone. So I brought him.” the man with the trenchcoat replied.

“Dean?” Oliver  said, stunned. “Wait weren’t you in....”

"Yes.” Dean interrupted.

“How’d you get..” Oliver started again.

‘Him.” Dean pointed at the man in the coat.

“Who are…” Oliver went for a third question.

“Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord. I pulled Dean out of hell.”

“Am I going to get to…”

“No. We’re busy Oliver. Ask later. “ Dean cut him off and started firing a shotgun at something.

“Care to at least clue me in on who’s shooting at us? “ Oliver snapped.

“Who do you think?” Dean retorted

“Ok. Well I'm not equipped to to shoot demons. I left the salt in my other suit." Oliver ducked as a bullet ricocheted off a rock.

“Here.” Dean threw Oliver a shotgun, "Aim it that direction and pull the little trigger thingy. Sorry it’s newer technology.”

“Dean," Castiel said in a scolding tone. He crouched down next to Oliver. “Sam Winchester is missing and we are trying to get an artifact out of the hands of the demons that are in that house. Lucifer has been raising the Four Horsemen and he needs Pestilence and Famine. We stopped War once, Death got out. “

“Lucifer?” Oliver asked incredulously as he aimed the shotgun and blew a demon’s face off. “What happened?”

“Hey you can shoot a gun.  Why do you use arrows? “ Dean asked.

‘Why do you drive a 67 Impala?” Oliver replied. Dean looked at him, cocked his head to the side, nodded a bit and kept shooting.

“Touche.” Dean smirked.

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