d e f i n i t i o n s

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-1.no person;no one

-2.a person of no importance or authority


Hello there, my name is Moxey, and I'm a nobody.

No, I'm not those 'cool' wanna be's who pretend to be too cool for people or any kind of social interaction or friends. No, I'm literally of no importance or authority. I'm no one.I am a legit nobody. 

I found out I was a nobody when I was six years old. I was playing soccer at my family church. My mom always wanted me to be as athletic as my older sister, but that wasn't ever going to happen. I knew that when she first announced she had signed me up to play that weekend. 

But anyways, I was running towards the ball, the mud was slick on my feet, so slick I almost slipped. Like a lot. But I kept running none the less; all to please mother. 

As I was running, I was body slammed by some tall, lanky girl (who later I learned was named Jessie) and she basically acted as though I wasn't even there. Like I was just the most unimportant thing in the entire field. 

And the sad part was, she was on  MY team. My own teammate! 

Then to top off this shit sunami of a cake; my mother left me at the church to be driven home by Jessie's father. 

Basically, since that day, I realized I was a nobody. And I was actually okay with that; I still am actually.

I mean, it's not the worst thing in the world to be a nobody. It has its perks. Like:

-you're barely ever noticed by teachers; so you rarely ever get called on in class.

-you're hidden potential scares people (which I find hilarious)

-people don't talk to you often, so that means less social interactions. 

-you get a lot of quiet time. 

-and basically, you're oblivious of all things 'people'. 

So even though I'm a nobody; I'm proud of it. Because, it's quite fun to be unnoticed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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