Rogue and Kagura

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Kagura: I was told this is Rogue's number

Rogue: you were told correct. Who's this

Kagura: Kagura

Rogue: ah, the fish

Kagura: tch, the cat

Rogue: don't fish eat cats?

Kagura: Sting did call you a bitchy texter.

Rogue: ah, my apologies. I hope we put our guilds' differences behind and be friends. Minerva has changed..

Kagura: she'll never be fully forgiven, but it's not the whole guild. I'd like to be friends :)

Rogue: I'd like that...also I saw you tried to steal Frosch

Kagura: what the?

Rogue: Long story, anyways he's mine

Kagura: but she likes me

Rogue: no, HE Is just a friendly person.

Kagura: don't emphasize on the gender

Rogue: he's male

Kagura: no she is my sister

Rogue: not possible. He's a guy.

Kagura: how do you know?

Rogue: I litteraly had the guy since he was an egg

Kagura: aww <3

Rogue: yes, indeed.

Kagura: fine...well how is Yukino? Does she still hate me?

Rogue: she never did. She's excited about going into your town. She'll be able to see you guys

Kagura: ah that's great! Thanks i'll be able to prepare a meal for her, Rogue you're pretty cool

Rogue: :) you too

Kagura: too bad we all know you want that holy D


Kagura: *Dragon. I meant to say Dragon

Rogue: ......

Kagura: Aaww

Rogue: I shall talk to you latee Kagura 😑

Kagura: bye!

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