My Anorexia story.

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I've always been a good girl, one of those girls who always wanted to smile. I was living a nice life and I loved my family. I had a lot of friends! I loved go out with them, laugh with them, make adventures. My life was normal and everything was alright but then it happened, the thing that has changed my life. One day when I was only ten years old, I realized that I was fat. All my friends ( I' m talking about the girls that were part of my group) were terribly skinny and I was the idiot child who loved eating junk food. Since that day I didn't feel happy anymore. But I didn't start to eat less, instead I always looked for snakes when no one was watching me. It made me feel better. I mean eat. Have you ever done it? Eat chocolate or chips when no one is at home? I feel like I' m the boss when it happens, don't judge me, Okkay?However I continued in this way since my 12th birthday , then my schoolmathes started to make fun of me. It wasn' t funny at all. I've never talked to my parents about this. They are amazing but I knew that if I had told them everything they would have worried too much. And it wasn't fair. It was my fault and my problem. JUST MINE. I was alone against the "world" .

So this is the first chapther. I' s not actually the first because it's small. However let me know if you like or don't like it.

              CHAPTER TWO

I wanted to show that I was thin. I wanted to be thin. I started to think about it all the day, everyday. I was obsessed !

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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