Highschool is not the best place for demigods

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I missed summer already. I could still feel the touch of it's sun, it's excitement, it's all over just plain awesomeness.

What I did not miss was waking up thirty minutes late, and barely being able to pull on a pair of sweats and put your hair up in a messy ponytail, with a toothbrush still in your mouth,and fly into your dad's old truck and fly down the highway.

"Dad we're here." "Dad. We're at the high school now, you can pull over." "DAD!"

My father responded by turning his head, eyes  barely open, and muttering a sleepy "Huh?"

I smiled. My dad and I were two peas in a pod, as my mom always said. Being any less than a zombie in the morning was one trait we shared.

"I said, YOU CAN PULL OVER NOW!" I hollered slowly, grin still on my face, as if announcing it to an deaf old man.

"OK!" He yelled back, jerking the steering wheel to the right and causing me to nearly fly out of the already half open door.

"Jeez old man! I think it's about time you stopped driving, before you kill someone, AGAIN."

"I thought you said you wouldn't bring that up again!" He chuckled, jokingly pushing me further out the door. "Have a good day at school sweetie, maybe this year you'll make some friends!"

Maturely answering with my tongue stuck out, I hoisted my temporarily empty bedazzled rainbow bookbag over my shoulder and strolled into Kiadus High.

I stepped around two people sucking face, nearly tripped over some freshman picking up his stuff, and managed to get a huge piece of gum stuck to my new Sperry's before arriving at my locker. Ah, so glad to be back.

At Kiadus we get the same lockers from freshman to senior year, so I was greeted with the familiar sight of streaks of various nail polishes and more than several half peeled off stickers. 

Unlike most stereo-typical high school books where the main character somehow ends up with the locker right next to the queen/king of the school who are always swapping spit, I actually loved my "locker buddies". 

Right on time, my two best friends in the whole world pulled up right next to me, bumping my hips with theirs.

"Miss me?" asked Jason, his grin mischievous as he pulled a curl out of my messy pony and twirling it around his finger.

Smacking his hand, "I just saw you last night Jace."

"Excatly!" He laughed, before opening his locker. 

I wrinkled my nose. "It's amazing that your locker somehow has had the same smell since freshman year..you think by now it would've gone away..."

"Are you kidding? This is a fantastic combination of sweaty socks, bacon, and Axe!"

"And very vomit-inducing." Chimed in Kevin, as he placed his already labeled notebook and folders into his locker.

"If you could bottle this scent, you'd make a fortune!" Jason argued, throwing his backpack in and slamming the locker door closed.

"I doubt it..." I muttered. Tugging on the loose curl as I frowned into my mirror. "It must be so easy being a guy..I doubt you even brush your hair in the morning."

"Hey I take my personal hygiene very seriously." Jason growled, pinching my side.

"And that's why your hair always manages to look like a bird's nest?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "You wish you could look this good Heccy."

Pouting, I closed my locker and poked his chest. "That's the worst nickname ever. Why can't I just have a normal name like everyone else?" 

"Because then you wouldn't be so weird." Kevin cooed, pinching my cheek.

I growled and checked my schedule. "Who do you guys have for homeroom? I got Leeonas. Is he new?"

"Same, and yeah he apparently just graduated last year." Kevin chirped

Jason rolled his eyes. "Well then I guess we'll all be stuck together again." He moaned, faking disappointment. 

I just grabbed their hands and headed to class. "Come on boys,  I'm may be late for everything else, but not homeroom!"

We maneuvered our way around the other students, chatting and laughing about all the stuff we did together over the summer, before I ran into someone and landed on my behind with a big "Ooof!"

I looked up at Jace and Kev. "Really? You just let my fall? Thanks." I muttered sarcastically before letting them pull me up.

I glanced over at who I ran into. And shuddered. "Oh, uh hi Randall."

"Hey Hecate." Smirking, he somehow managed to look everywhere but my eyes. "I missed you over the summer."

"Ugh. Goodbye Randall." I muttered before pulling my boys towards our homeroom.

"I hate that guy." Kevin muttered, glaring back at Randall as we walked.

"Agreed." Jason said, narrowing his eyes and squeezing my hand. "How exactly does he always manage to run into us at least once a day?"

"Because the restriction order forms aren't done yet." I laughed, sitting down in a desk at the back of the room and emptying out my purse..."Gum, gum, gum...."

Kevin stuck his hand in and quickly pulled it back out, victoriously shouting "Aha!' And pulling out a piece for himself and shoving it in his mouth.

"Kevvvviinnnnn!!" I whined, as he stood up and held it over his head. "Come on shorty, get your gum!" He taunted, looking down at me.

"This is harrassment!" I squeaked, jumping on my chair and grabbing his arm and pulling it towards me, biting him on his hand so he would let go.

"OWWW!" Kevin groaned, holding his injured hand to his chest. "You're evil!"

Jason just looked at us. "Ya'll are freaks."

Then the bell rang, and our new teacher strutted into the room. "Welcome to senior year!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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