What's Wrong?

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A/N Hai gais! I have a friend on WattPad! She doesn't write stories (as far as I kno) and she REALLY likes BEN and it's @mochi_rilakkuma . Just felt like giving her a ShoutOut because she is my friend and it took me a lot of coaxing to get her to join. Ok, where were we? Oh yea...

-----BEN's POV-----

I ran after Link.

'Were the fuck could he have gone?'

I looked through every bathroom and room I could find. I finally found him later in a bathroom that looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years. Before I could tell Link ANYTHING he spoke up.

"What do you want."

I didn't know how I should respond so I decided to respond how I had planned.

"Why are you in here?"

"Because I just went through the most traumatizing experience of my life and I might be contaminated from her," Link responded, I had a feeling he wasn't joking although it did sound funny.

"That's bullshit," I answered. Simple as that.

"She's a dirty prostitute."

Maybe it's not that simple.

"Look," I began, "What do you want?"

"To forget what happened."

"You are so damn stubborn," I was getting irritated at his attitude.


What a dibshit.

I handed him my 3DS with Ocarina of Time. To my surprise he snatched it from my hand and began to play. I snatched it back and knew I could win because I had leverage... that was until he pulled out his 3DS and began with Ocarina of Time.


I dragged him out of the bathroom and into the classroom. The teacher either seemed to have known about what happened, or she simply didn't care. I sat next to Link although there was an empty seat beside Jenny.

Bros before hoes.

Nobody paid attention to the teacher and the teacher didn't pay attention to us, how neat! I pulled out my 3DS and began to play. Time flied and what felt like five minutes had already been the whole period. I walked with Link to the next class when I noticed Angel and Jennifer looking at Link play his game. I felt sorta protective of Link, especially after the kissing episode, sure didn't want a repeat of that. I walked into the next class expecting the same biz as the last one. NOPE! This teacher was strict and did not like having her authority challenged so the best approach was definitely obedient.

"Psst!" Link whispered, "Sorry, you know, about, uhhhmmmmm... earlier..."

"It's alright man," I responded.

Sure was nice to see him behaving differently. After school I decided to tell him of some plan I had been developing for a while now.


"This is stupid," He told me.

"No," I answered desperately, "It'll work, they might even hate you so much that Angel will never bother you again."

That sure got his attention.

"What's in it for me? Huh?"

"I stated my case, take it or leave it."

"Explain it to me again," Link was so slow! Ughhh!

"You cause some sort of danger for Jennifer and I come in to save her, She loves me, Angel hates you. Everybody wins!" I announced.

I suddenly heard four pairs of footsteps coming closer.

"Uh oh," I whispered.

"Just act casual," Link hissed at me.

The footsteps were getting closer and I began to hyperventilate.

"Calm down dude!"

The footsteps halted. I glanced up and saw all of them.

"Hello boys."

A/N There you guys go, new chapter in this story. I wrote on my phone so sorry about mistakes. As I promised it's a chap in BEN's POV. Do the girls know what Ben and Link are up to? Is Link still a virgin? Does Ben have the guts to continue with his plans? If so, will his plans go wrong? Do all these questions matter? Probably not...

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