Unpredictable Amour

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Yo Waddup Peeps … :O

Anyways, New Story I’ve been working on for a while…a very long while! So I decided to post it up, Eh, Might as well ..  

Check it out and tell me what you think. :D

Dont forget to Vote and Comment, its a new Story so im alitle iffy about it , :O  So show me some Love ! ;D 


"I don't understand! What happens to Dumbledore? This can't be the end of him..." I turn to look at Jen, yep, she was seriously asking me that. We were nearing the end of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, But we where currently on the part were Snape Attacks Dumbledore. "That traitor! That dirty, low, piece of scum! How could He!" she was an emotional wreck, at the moment she was all choked up. "He trusted You!" she quoted what Harry had just said. I tried my Hardest Not to Throw a pillow at her. Instead I got up and headed downstairs, she was too preoccupied to notice my disappearance. 

I had invited Jen over for one of our famous Movie Nights, it went a little something like this: 

--Flashback ; at School--

"Hey Jen, movie night today?" I whispered to her while being in third period English. 

"Yea, sure." She whispered back.


-After school, at House-

"Hey Jen, what Movie?"

"Ummm? I don't know?"

"Okay. What about..."

"Harry Potter." She suddenly said.


"Harry Potter, I have the strangest urge to hear his accent, along with all those British dudes accents."


"So it's settled." she said.

"Which one?"

"Well I haven't seen the Half Blood Prince."

"Well you’re in luck, because I have it."

"Girl, who you trying to fool? You have ALL OF THEM!"

"Not the latest one!" And so our argument went...

-End of Flashback- 

So here we were, at my house, watching Harry Potter. But a person could only take so much of Jen's dramatics. 

I went down to the kitchen and grabbed myself a juice box. On my way back I peeked into the game room. As I anticipated, my bro was in there playing COD MW3. I never understood this game, Never! What's so cool about it? I mean, have you seen how crazy Guys go over this... This thing?! It's unbelievable. You would think it was some sort of god or higher force. 

"Ayy! Ayy?  You got him?" Otis yelled into the receiver, he was playing online and had the head piece thing on. Just as I was leaving I heard an explosion, followed by hoots of excitement. As I said before, I will never understand. 

I went back to my room, Jen was just sitting there emotionless, watching the credits roll by. The movie had ended.

"l don't know what to do, how to feel. Should I be sad or happy?" she said so perplexed.

"I mean, he did die, but the ending was a happy, hopeful one. It's just so confusing..."

"Okay Jen, it's been a long day, I can understand your emotions are all over the place-"

"How could they not be!"

"Well Harry Potter can do that to you, good thing there's like seven movies or so... Or eight or nine?" I truly had no idea. "Anyways, just pop in an earlier movie where Dumbledore was still alive OR wait a minute, I Know! JUST REWIND IT!" I said sarcastically.

She immediately snapped out of her daze, and smiled. "Oh Addie, it's just a movie." she said while getting up from her lying position. She then stretched and patted my back. "Cheer up." 

I just smiled. "Faker. Were you even concerned?" 

"Of course! I just...got over it."

"Of course."

"So where's your Bro?" She said while a sly smile formed on her lips. Oh God, this wouldn't end well.

-Fifteen minutes later- 

We were down in the game room. Jen had gotten Otis's permission to play. So I sat on the couch and watched the epic match between these two unfold, like i always did. Otis was no longer playing online. But he was playing against Jen. He had that serious yet relaxed demeanor going on, but I knew he was trying his hardest to beat Jen and I do mean Trying. His. Hardest. 

Jen has two older brothers who practically Live for this game! So it's no surprise that Jen would also fall 'in love' with it and become such a great player. 

So here we were, both Jen and Otis battling it out. Who killed who more or whatever...Blah blah blah. Otis was a bit tense I noticed, he couldn't lose again. Yes, if he lost, it wouldn't be the first time. 

I really didn't care who got the most kills, and I don't understand why it was such a big deal to them either. Yes. I was jealous. Stupid game had managed to replace me. But god forbid me from just sitting there and letting it happen any longer. 

"So what's the big idea? What's so cool about this game." I grumbled out. "It all just graphics and stupidness put together."

Simultaneously they both turned to look at me. The game had been paused. Oh man, I had done it this time. I had disrespected the almighty game. 

"You take that back!" Otis said. "You're just...just...You take that Back!" Wow, does it kill brain cells too? 

"It's Just a game."

They both gave dramatic gasps. I tried not to pull out my hair or smack my forehead. This was all Nonsense.

"Addie..." Jen said. "Where is all this hatred coming from. Never have you EVER! reacted so aggressively towards-"

"My Babby." Otis cut in.

"-like that." but Jen still Finished off. 

It was funny to me how they could finish of each other’s sentences, play video games for hours and Hang around each other so much and yet not have any feelings for each other. Or maybe they did? But god knew they were both hardheaded senile kids. It would take much more for them to realize things.


"Huh? What?" 

"We've been calling out to you for the longest, pay attention. We're having an argument for goodness sakes!"

"Yea, have some respect and stay focused enough to listen to us insult you." Otis put in. 

"What? You guys are idiots." I stood up and made my way out.

"So...are we not fighting anymore?" I managed to hear Otis say and then heard them both laughing. Jerks. 


So watcha' Think ? :3

Continue ? Yes No ? Maybe so..

Anyways remember to Vote .. Please ? ;D

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