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Eliza Hamilton Holly to John Church Hamilton, 1855

My dear brother,

Lately, in my hours of sadness, recurring to such interests as most deeply affected our blessed Mother, and dwelt most ardently on her mind and in her heart, I could recall none more frequent or more absorbent than her devotion to our Father. When blessed memory places her gentle countenance and her untiring spirit before me in this one great and beautiful aspiration after duty – I feel the same spark ignite, and ___ me, so far as in my power, to seek the fulfilment of her words "justice shall be done to the memory of my Hamilton". Those words so often uttered by our Mother, she cannot have a child who does not proudly recognize them, and bound forward by the same ____ spark that filled her soul; __ _________ from the mind of her husband, hallowed and _____ by what she felt to be a sacred "duty to her Children" The world wide spread of their Father's fame

To do her bidding, to make alive our dear parent's oft recurring prayers – consecrated by her death, and "Blessing upon you all", let us in earnest commence and obey her wishes – emphatically to you in her and your agreement – to me as her executrix – And to all her children as they love and desire to honor her and their father.

You, and I, dear brother, must realize with sorrow, as our eye wanders over the Biographies of distinguished statesmen, from many a credible pen, how much of wisdom is ignored to our father, and made gracefully to fall over the memories of his less glorious Compatriots.

I, when so engaged, cannot fail to have my best sensibilities roused, and rest on the work "so ably" commenced by my brother, and when completed, so certain to ____ to him such high literary eminence. I cannot, but exclaim with others, "Why is it not finished"! "Why are we not disabused of our errors"! I cannot but exclaim in sorrow, Why is the moss spreading over that great name, permitted to petrify by uninstructed, unrebuked prejudice?

From these painful reflections, I turned to be more happy with my dear Mother in her papers – But there for, was over the same mantle for us all – There, was her agreement with my brother!! With attention, I read it, and was almost pained to be convinced, as our blessed Mother's executrix, it became my duty to remind him – time, beyond his power to recall had elapsed, time, longer then equity would award, as needful to the completion of his agreement has passed away –
From Dec, 1st, 1834 to Feb 27th 1855.

By the second Section, you are authorized "to collect from (any?) person who may have the same "documents" etc, "of the said Alexander Hamilton, and to take all measure in law or equity for that purpose". I must beg you to inform me whether any measures have been resorted to, to collect papers; more particularly those referring to the F. ____ as in our Mother's apprehension the most valuable, and as member of the Washington family are being fast gathered home to their Chief. Particularly Gr Washington who was in possession of many valuable papers relating to this subject, which he withheld from us.

A list referring to the F. ____ was catalogued, and placed with the other Hamilton Manuscripts in the State Department by me, in the handwriting of Mr ______. And whether our judgements concur in the expediency of my taking some measure to procure these papers, and further, if you are cognizant of the holder of these papers what is his address.

The other section of this agreement, referring to the publication of the works are satisfied. But, there still continues unexecuted and unfinished the agreement to write and publish the Biography of our father. Thus upon a mature (crossed out) consideration of the sacred duty _____ upon me through our blessed Mothers' will, I sometime since determined to address you, as is the fulfilment of the last Testament of a beloved parent, and as a Sister representing the wishes, she is confident, of her brothers. And the Worlds' loud call upon us to

And the letter was incomplete.

Source: Columbia University, Hamilton Family Papers

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