The Only Exception Part 2

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Thanks for those who commented and read the story. =) It's my first story so my expectation wasn't so high. 

So this is the second part, including the ending of The Only Exception.  

I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this. 

Thanks again =)



Somewhere deep inside her, she wanted him to know.

To know the secrets she has been hiding for long, to know the real reasons for her actions.

But she was so afraid, so afraid of depending on someone, afraid of loving. All her life, she believed independence was the way to go. All her life, she chose to live that way, chose to be by herself, honestly believing that it was the way to keep herself strong.

There were so many confession letters and so many roses that were delivered to her door every Valentine's Day. She did not accept any one of those people, because she knew that before the sun rises in the morning, they will be gone, leaving her all by herself to handle the regrets, humiliation, and stupidity.

She didn't want to be one of those girls.

She was taught not to be one of those girls.

When he appeared however, things were different. He wasn't like the others, telling her he liked her and was eager to go home with her after dinner. He didn't just say he liked her and never acted the way a man should. He didn't freak out and burst through the door swearing when she said she didn't like white, or stars make her sad. He didn't just shrug when she told him she didn't believe in love. He had told her he wanted to change her. He had told her she was like an angel. He had never given up on trying to read her.

He cared for her.

Cared for her in a way that nobody else did.

But she was too afraid.

Love to her was like a hot iron, when you feel the heat or touch the surface of it, your instinct told you to let go. She always let go, didn't want to be  

burned. She tried to hold onto it longer, but no success.

If she had met him first, then maybe their fate would've been different.

If she grew up in a different family and was taught not to be afraid of love. Then maybe she would enjoy the heat of the iron, like holding onto something warm in a cold winter day.

Unfortunately for both of them, things didn't happen that way. She couldn't make him laugh on their dates, couldn't bring herself to tell him all the things she experienced. She couldn't talk to him like a normal person, lean on him like a normal person, couldn't rely on him in any way.

She tried. Tried very hard to love him, and to care for him. She tried to ignore the differences between them, and the similarities between him and the man she was afraid of.

But when he said he wanted to be an artist. All the attempts and efforts broke down and collapsed into pieces.

The iron once again got too hot.

And she thought maybe it was time to let go.

It was time for her to leave.  





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