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It's not usual, for people, to honk so loud here you know. But hear me out. Waiting at the intersection for the free turn with no 'Turn on Red' board for 5 minutes is insane. Even the car behind me honked once!

"MOVE YOU GODDAMN OLD MAN! AND PEOPLE CALL WOMEN CLUELESS DRIVERS?", I shouted knowing fully well the guy in the car ahead of me was definitely not going to hear it, but I was frustrated with how much time he was taking to just take a right turn at the intersection! I mean, I get that you have a beautiful Lamborghini Huracan but if it doesn't move fast when you want it to, throw the whole car away! And maybe yourself too. There's bad drivers, not bad cars.

Finally after the multiple cars behind me started to honk as well, it was as if he had woken up from a drunken stupor and he sped away. 

What was he waiting for? I shrug it off and follow suit! Ten minutes later I am pulling up into the parking space of my favorite little coffee house. 

Metanoia - that's what my friend, Ray, well Rayna, named it. She started this place really small, with a very rustic feel to it. At first, she only served homemade coffee, alongwith wood-fired pizzas, a small variety of fries and some drinks. She would only open up during the evenings because she called it her "passion project" whilst working on her day job. It's hard managing both things, but having her parents support her behind the scenes made a whole lot of difference and she was thriving now. I loved that journey for her!

Since the location was strategically situated near the only tollway entrance that connected to three different huge industrial plus corporate areas, it really took off. Now, it has turned into an amazing coffee house that people frequent throughout the day. 

I saw her putting down a cute little cheque tub on one of the tables. We waved at each other when she saw me walking in. 

"Do you want the usual?", she asked smiling. 

"My truffle chocolate pancakes remain the same. But today I am in the mood for some truffle parmesan fries and that hazelnut-caramel iced coffee you make! That coffee and fries are to-go though", I say as I sit at one of the high-chairs near the counter.

"Aren't you late for work?", she starts working on my coffee and puts the rest of my order for her team inside.

"I am! But I am so hungry & I already e-mailed my boss, who is also my brother, that I will be feeling really bad, and really sad for myself for the extra 35 minutes it'll take for me to reach the office. Besides, I'm taking these two to-go bags as a small token of love, which he will have to share with me", I laugh with her when I wipe imaginary tears.

Casey, one of her very talented chef, comes out towards me with extremely yummy looking pancakes. "I knew it had to be you, but this isn't your usual time hon! Did you have a really *great* night last night?" she asks winking at me! For someone who's been married for 15 years, she acts like she just turned 21! But we love it. Casey and Vivan are the most vibrant couple I've met.

"I was working on some really long report and plans, Cass. I didn't realize it was 4 AM until I got a funny meme from one of my friends living in a whole different country. This smells so good!!", I inhale deeply. "These feel like the best morning hugs. But better! With all the warmth, chocolate chips, maple syrup & ice-cream.", drooling I was already taking mouthfuls of the pancakes.

My phone vibrated for the 4th time and this time I couldn't ignore it like the first few.

Natalie work: Reminder to bring the Greyson file, Mel. Would you be a doll and get me a coffee or milkshake of your choice please? Thank you girl!  - received 1 hour ago.

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