Your pants look better on my floor ;) CH9!

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"I've never felt more powerful than when I write stories; characters blooming, thoughts escaping."

; So you can keep the necklace I gave to you

& I'll keep the SHITTTTY tattoos !

- 3oh!3 [ R. I . P ]


"First day of school and you already scored a date?" Vince asks oddity just tickling at his throat.

I glimpse at him brusquely, shrugging my shoulder in unison. He's parked in my doorway, leaning against the odd pasty white of the frame ogling me with interest. Currently I'm trying desperately not to burn myself with the straighter I found in the back closet.

It's not that I'm stimulated to impress Luke today but I've never been formally asked on a date where the question didn't have the words 'hooking up' involved. Therefore this is quite the opportunity for me to 'experiment'.

"Who's the doomed guy?" While Vince is busy tantalizing me, I'm engaged on focusing on my hair.

"Luke." I state, going over the final layer of my locks. Abruptly the flat iron slips of my hands, lunging towards the ground at ease. Instantaneously I curse and dip my fingers at it, only to be burned with sudden shock.

I swing back, my entire weight bouncing off the ground. I hear a sudden erupt of laughter fleeing from Vince. He's chuckling before he has the time to help me up. I curse some more and nonchalantly thrust my chin up forward, as if I didn't just utterly humiliate myself.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I snap at Vince, his rough hands working up my spine, trying to stable me into place. "Goddamn! I said I'm fine!"

"You're fingers burnt," He nods towards my finger, his face just inches from mine.

I glance up, ignoring our tense positioning and whistle through my teeth trying to escape this presumptuous emotion.

But I can't; it's engulfing throughout my body now, syncing with ever open core, blending into my skin, thawing ever so carefully through my scalp. It's being born - a sudden rush of adrenaline.

Usually this feeling only spews when I'm doing something illegal; a burden I'm perusing or some sort of inconvenience I'm provoking. But I wasn't encumbering any affliction; I was just plunked way too close to Vince. That hardly seemed like a crime to me.

"Get out." I spit. My finger feels raw from the intense burn, I try numbing the suffering away, but it's frozen there, incapable of shifting.

"Have you ever considered being nice to me? Or is it one of those package deals that comes with your shitty attitude?"

I don't have time to answer his insult - he twists away from sight before I have a chance to correct him. I remain there for a few moments, trying to grasp what just happened. It's not like I care what he thinks of me, but yet I can't resist - I would give anything to prove I'm much more capable of being a better girlfriend than /Auburn/. Her name just burns my tongue, tasting like pure rubber.

* * *

"You look nice," The swan comments, "An evening out?"

I roll my eyes in unanimity, but a small grin peaks out from the corners of my mouth. I'm anxious to get out - the walls in this house seem to be demolishing me from the insides out. And there something about Luke - his warm slothful smile and tender indigo eyes that seem to see right through me - that just makes my body want to break out and tango.

"Will you be out long?" She queries, studying me from behind her thick lenses. "My husband and I are going out for dinner later, but Vince is bringing Auburn over so the door will be unlocked."

"Yeah, Yeah," I mumble, unscrewing the top of my water bottle already cursing in my head at the mention of Auburn.

"It's a school night, so we expect you out no longer the nine. Are we clear?"

"It's a school night, so I expect you to realize /that I still don't fucking care./" I smile abruptly at her puzzled expression, "Listen, for the last seven years or so I've been raising myself, so what gives the right to think /now/ you can just order me around like some sort of doll? I'm so sorry to screw up your perfect world, but I'm not changing so might as well return me and save your damn money!"

"You really shouldn't throw your words out like that, it's not polite." She smacks her lips against one another and elegantly trudges off, not taking my words for granted.

And the only question I'm thinking is; /doesn't this family know how to be insulted?/.


A shimmering black Lamborghini pulls up to the side of the house as I'm waiting for Luke to arrive. Its headlights stop just a few millimeters away from my bare knee's and out slithers the perfect, refined - Auburn.

She's even more gorgeous up close and merely reflects a defined version of Malibu Barbie. I squirm at her dim shaded sunglasses and low top revealing only /everything/.

"Oh it's you," She squeaks when she sees me, "Listen I know you're obviously interested in Vince, but he's mine. So I'd really appreciate it if you like didn't, okay?"

I don't have a time to holler a kinky comeback - she's already draped to the front door, sticking her little sassy tongue down Vince's throat. His hands are sloppily investigating her body, while he shoves her in closer.

"You're not jealous are you?" A simple harmony drifts with the gust of the wind, the enchanting voice belonging to Luke. My smile seems to be elastic as it stretches when it meets Luke's restful eyes.

"Did you walk here?" I pry, trying to change the subject at ease before things get complicated.

I'm not the least bit jealous of Auburn - and her perfect hair, and her flawless complexion, and her faultless body - I just wish Vince could at least once look at me, the way he looks at /her/.

"I like to be green." He declares, shuffling his feet in place. I watch the grass soften beneath the base of his shoe, the fresh green twisting into a murky silk.

"Help the environment sort of the thing?" Before I have a chance to say anything he starts walking, the bushes outlining our exit serenely.

"Yeah, that's why I ride the bus. And on average every minute you walk you can expand your life by about two minutes or so."

"That's pretty neat," I murmur to myself, craving more of his solicitous thoughts. I've never been out with a guy who showed the least bit of sympathy towards things such as that. It was genuinely innovative and fresh; I was yearning for more of his sympathetic essentials. I toddled over to catch up with him until our shoulders were vaguely stroking one another. He gently smirked and gazed off, and we persisted to hike upwards, not letting our fear or our undefined feelings strike us.

And it would have been a really nice evening too, just strolling down the avenue with not a care in the world - until a polished BMW herded towards us.

Your pants look better on my floor ;)Where stories live. Discover now