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Today is the day, the day I start my first year at Glistening Academy. I should be excited right? I mean its the start of the rest of my life, why am I not happy. Oh yeah, I remember now. In case you forgot, I will remind you of what happened this summer.

*Middle of Summer at Apple Lake*

"Come on, Kasey! Just jump in, its not even scary." her peers yelled from down below.

"C'mon Kasey, i'll be down here to catch you, we all are, just jump in!"

"Have you ever thought  for a second that I didn't know how to swim, AND i'm afraid of heights?" yelled a frantic Kasey.

While she and the rest of my class were swimming, having fun, jumping off cliffs into the lake below, I was sitting down with a book in my hand wondering why I even bothered coming here in the first place. I may be apart of the same graduating class as these people but I just graduated. Why would I want to be around the people that never once asked me to do anything with them. But for some reason, I still came in hopes that she would notice me.

*Kasey's POV*

"Come on, Kasey! Just jump in, its not even scary."

That's what you think Taylor, that's what you think. To me this drop looks like i'll be dropping forever and that I won't ever reach the ground.

"C'mon Kasey, i'll be down here to catch you, we all are, just jump in!"

I can't believe these ki-- adults. I can't believe that my so called "friends" that KNOW i'm afraid of heights want me to jump into this lake. Do they even know how deep that is? So many bad things could happen if I jumped. What if I hit the bottom? Ughh, lakes are just bad. I mean, what happened to walking in? Do people not use their legs anymore?

How about I try to reason with them? Maybe then i won't have to go in there...

"Have you ever thought for a second that I didn't know how to swim, AND i'm afraid of heights?"

I seriously can not believe my friends. Zion has everything going great with his life. He's not annoyed by any of these people AND he get's to read a good book. If I could just sit down and chill instead of being tortured through hanging out with these people I would.

Don't get me wrong, these people may be my friends, but they can be so annoying. I hope that this night will just be over and that I don't ever have to come back here agai--

"AHHHHHHH!" Whats happening. Is that the water? Why is it getting closer. Who just did that? Am I falling? Wait... hold on. Shelby! That's who it must have bee-"

Kasey's body hit the water and with a splash that would have gotten her disqualified from any diving event.

Everyone around her was laughing but the only thing she could think about is was trying to get to the top.


Heyyyyyy! Its ya girl Bianca comin at chu with a new story. I watch too much Liza whoops. If you enjoyed this beginning please keep on reading! I definitely would not consider myself an author but I love to write whatever comes to mind. Can we get this to 10 reads and make this girl 10x happier! Love ya xoxo B

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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