A Horrid Nightmare by Brianne Murphy

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Sam knelt down before her mother's grave. Tears welled up in her deep brown eyes with remembrance and sorrow. She felt a large sturdy hand on her back; it was Michael's. His icy blue eyes pitied Sam, wondering how he could help save her from any more despair. As Sam looked back at the grave, Michael looked to Josh, who focused on the darkening clouds above. Michael knew he felt awkward since Sam and Josh had only broken up two months ago. He remembered the difficulty of getting Josh to even come.

"I just don't understand why I have to be there. You're her boyfriend now, dude." Josh had glared at him when Michael had to give Josh the news that Sam wanted him to come to the funeral as well.

"You're still one of her best friends, and she wants your support." Michael pleaded, trying to persuade Josh into going. He didn't want Josh to come anyway, but he knew Sam would be thoroughly displeased if he didn't manage to make Josh go.

"I'm going because her mom was always incredibly sweet to me. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Alright, just don't let Sam know. You know how she is with honesty." Josh nodded at Michael's words. If Sam wanted Josh there to support her, she would expect it. Michael felt sorry that he had lost such a great friend when he found such a loving and supporting relationship with Sam.

"I think it's time we headed out. The clouds are looking mighty threatening." Josh said quietly, hoping not to make Sam upset or angry. He exhaled loudly through his nostrils and continued to look up at the sky.

"I have a few umbrellas because it looked bad this morning." Michael pulled three out of Sam's massive purse. Josh chuckled.

"Geez, Sam, you could fit a baby elephant in there, huh?" Sam looked up and smiled. Josh always knew she liked jokes that weren't harmful, even if they were directed at her. She nodded and got up.

"It's just a shame I haven't tried to yet." She dabbed her eyes and wiped her nose with a few tissues. She took a deep breath and took an umbrella just as the drops started coming down.

The rain came down in bullets. Michael was afraid that it was going to start hailing soon, and that his umbrellas would be broken. He tried to get Sam to walk faster, but she kept walking at her own slow pace. The rain started coming down in sheets, making it difficult to see beyond Josh who was only a pace ahead. Josh looked around, knowing they might lose the path out of the cemetery if they kept walking. He called out for them to stop, but Sam wouldn't stop. She kept on walking. Michael was getting worried. He didn't remember any of the visible tombstones around them. He looked to Sam, searching for a sign of fear, but her eyes were filled with depression and loathing at the world.

Eventually, Michael shouted to Sam that they should stop. He saw her look at him, but not really see him. Her eyes looked dazed, dead even. Her face lost that usual cheeriness it normally held constantly, and her eyebrows were turned in a worried fashion. He grabbed her arms, asking if she was okay. Just as she opened her mouth to speak the rain stopped immediately. Josh had kept walking, but stopped mid step. He looked up at the sky.

"What the hell kind of storm was that? And where did it go?" Josh was confused. He was a meteorologist, so he knew there should be some sort of cloud left after that rainstorm but there wasn't a cloud to be seen. The grass wasn't even wet. There were no puddles, and the air took on a sudden weight of heat. Josh walked back to Sam and Michael with a questioning look. They looked around.

"We're lost. Great." Michael said. This must have been a deeper part of the cemetery. There were more statues of angels and crosses and women and men and children than regular tombstones. There were statues of Holy Mary and Jesus. There were statues of demons being killed by angels. But the one that stood out the most was the statue of a man in a cloak. His mask's nose and chin were so over exaggerated that they almost touched each other. The mask looked happy in a very malicious way. Michael went to the back of the statue and saw the back of the head had scars written in Celtic writing all down the base of the neck and further.

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