Love? - Yoongi

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God I hate this...

This one friend of mine says




Why is he so...


I always think of thus friend of mine whenever I see a couple...

Cause he always comments stuff like:

"You're going to break up after 2 hours"

"Forever is an impossible word"

"He/she is cheating on you"

And now I'm stuck here...alone

Watching couples come and go

Without that friend of mine to comment about everything love has to give him

I think I should go

As I walked down the lifeless road

Without that special friend of mine to make my day

Even though I get tired of hearing the words that comes out of his mouth

He became a part of my day

Now I think I should pay him a visit

At the end of the road, I rode a bus

Sat at the seat near the door

Observed the trees and buildings that surrounds me

Until I saw what I came for

I pressed the button near me

And it signalled the driver that I was going down

As I stepped outside

I saw the place where he is staying right now

I went past the front desk for I already know what room his in

I pressed the button on the elevator

When it opened, I went inside and pressed the button to his floor

I looked at myself in the mirror


I am alone

Once I arrived at the floor

I ran towards his room

I opened it

Still finding that special friend of mine

Sleeping in a deep sleep for almost 1 year

And I still can't believe that Min Yoongi is in coma...

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