Chapter 15

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James' POV

As the girl I found stepped through the door, I could see an small look of disappointment flash over her face. Nobody was in here. Nobody she knew. She was the only one left, but she needed to learn that we all were.

Ellie's POV (Yes, this is a new character)

Everything has gone wrong. The plan, the capture, the lure. Myra was never supposed to die. Now she is no use to us. It was Rita's fault. Everybody knows you can't trust a glister.

A lure gone wrong, a strange sense of defiance in the air. A girl undone, running away, here and there. But we will win, unlike before, a closest match, it was. Of course, despite her bravery, Summer was not thy perfect match. Now, alas, a harder battle, and one that must be won.

To win a battle of a million importances, Rita must die for her mistake. The death of Winter, do we want, not some random child. A lure will die, of course, after it is done its work. And vengeance will overpower, for once.

"Ellie? Have you seen Viola?" A sweet, innocent voice called out from the hall.

"No, I'm sorry Mary Anne," I answered, remembering to act as sweet as possible towards the experiments.

"Okay," She replied, skipping away. I remember when we found the two of them, after our first war. Little five year olds, so injured and scared they remembered nothing of the past. Two years later, the extremely bright children had become the hope of winning. When you stared at Mary Anne or Viola, you could see everything about them. Open books, you might say.

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