Chapter 7

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Hazel glanced at the door. The handle juggled.

"Stay here." Hazel whispered.

Hazel crept to the door and pressed herself against the wall. There was a slight thump as who ever was on the other side of the door threw their weight against it. The door opened up and Hazel grabbed the person and flipped him. Hazel pressed her foot against the screaming man's throat.

"Hazel! It's Jake!" The man screamed.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Hazel let Jake up.

"Jeez your dangerous. I can't even come in here without getting attacked." Jake pouted as he brushed himself off.

"I said sorry." Hazel muttered.

"Let's just watch a movie. Hey, I love Children of the corn! How could you watch this without me!? You just love killing me." Jake said laughing.

Hazel rolled her eyes as they sat down and ate pizza while watching horror movies. For awhile, Emily tried to convince them to watch Moana but, no one is in the mood. After, settling on watching Jaws someone was knocking at the door.

"Who else did you invite to the party?" Jake asked.

"No one." Emily said confused.

"Not even River?" Jake teased.

"No one." Emily repeated. The person knocked on the door again, "I'll get it."

Emily opened the door to see a pale Sleet leaning against the doorway.

"Hi." Sleet smirked.

"What do you want?" Emily was clearly annoyed.

"You." Sleet looked into Emily's beautiful green eyes.

"Well we don't always get what we want." Emily shut the door and Sleet knocked again. Emily sighed and opened the door.

"Someone is feisty." Sleet chuckled.

"You're sick and I'm not interested." Emily glared at him.

"You are but you don't want to admit it."

"No, unlike Hazel I'm not interested in werewolves." Emily frowned.

Jake gave a confused look at Emily.

Sleet laughed, "I highly doubt it."

"Not interested, I'm not looking for a boyfriend." Emily went to shut the door, but Sleet stopped her.

"Dear, you don't really have a choice. You are mine, you can only fight it so long." Sleet smirked.

"Um, I always have a choice. Can't I reject you or something?" Emily asked.

Sleet frowned,"No, it doesn't work like that. That's only in the books."

"Well, not interested." Emily frowned.

"You will be." Sleet rubbed Emily's cheek.

Emily jerked away, "No!"

Jake got up and went to the door, "She said that she is not interested."

Sleet growled,"This doesn't concern you."

"It is if you are forcing yourself on my friend." Jake frowned.

"I would never!" Sleet looked disgusted.

"It sure sounded like it." Jake argued.

Sleet growled,"I would never force her to do anything."

Hazel got up and pulled Emily and Jake away from the door before Sleet killed Jake.

"Calm down, Sleet is a friend and wouldn't hurt Emily or force her to do anything." Hazel tried to calm them down.

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