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Michael doesn't know that it is, maybe it was the hair, that stupid blond hair that was always perfectly curled-maybe those blue eyes that could be light as the sky or dark as the unexplored sea.

What ever the hêll it is, Michael is into it, oh so curious about what Luke has to hide, what he has to offer. Something that makes him laugh or sad, the movies he's watched and which ones that were at the top of his favorites list.

There's so many things that he wants to know, but Luke already built a wall separating them.
A cold shield made of titanium that Michael is throwing rocks at.

Thankfully for one half of the duo, Michael was always- and still is- very persistent on making friends. Someone who was very extroverted, yet looked so shy. He was adored by many, but also judged by just as much.

He had a big heart, one made of the wall Luke built. He never got the weird looks get to him, the snarky comments and other passive aggressive comments never made this kid break down.

Ironically, Michael has a condition where he shakes, making him look like he's nervous, which gives everyone the opposite idea of what he is.

Does it bug Luke? Who knows.
We'll have to wait and see.

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