3. Fakers.

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I do not own Hetalia.

Pairing: FrUK.

Warning: Self-harm, attempted suicide, attention seekers.


They were Fakers. Attention was the only thing they wanted. The attention gave them what they needed, energy and pleasure.

Narcissistic pleasure.

I hated them for it.

But I wouldn't tell them that.

If I did, any 'friends' that I had would surely leave.

I could't go through that again.

Watching them play together and laugh. It seemed like a nice thing to do. My face looked happy during those times, but my eyes did not.

What I really wanted was for it to stop being about them. About the Fakers. During Gym, they would ask for people to help them cover their scars.

I never saw any.

All I saw was someone so desperate for attention ,and the feeling of being loved, that they would do anything. Even pretend to have a severe mental disorder.


Sometimes they would message me, saying they were doing It again. I knew they couldn't be because this would mean that their parents could see them. I would tell them to stop. They would think I meant stop hurting yourself, seek help, I will help you.

What I meant was stop Pretending.

Them Pretending hurt me. It didn't hurt me because they were doing it.

I couldn't Stop them.

They obviously didn't want to be friends with me. They were all Acting. To keep up alliances with their parents and mine. They wanted to have an appearance towards them, maybe to get ties with other companies, or maybe to see me and tell me of their 'problems' to get their fill.

A full ego.

I hated them, almost wanted them to die. But I kept up my smile and personality, they didn't suspect anything.

"Do you think something's wrong?"

"He's always like that."

Always? Sure.


And then it happened.

It seemed like a normal rainy day. Normal for me anyway.

I got on the bus and made my way to my prestigious school. I kept a neutral face, the normal. I did my studies, did a small test and handed in any due homework. Hung out with my 'friends' who were all laughing. But today they seemed further away than usual. The hill had either gotten smaller or they had gone farther away from where I always sat. They talked with smiles on their faces. no-one talked to me. I sat there and ate my over-priced lunch. Then I finished lessons, got on the private go-all-out-on-these-spoiled-rich-kids bus back to my 'house'. More like a mansion. Many rooms weren't ever used or needed so I didn't understand the reason for having them. I got dressed out of my uniform got ready to have a quick bath.


Then, on that day...

I became One.

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