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I woke up a few hours later to find that my baby was back and he was lying down with me just holding me I cannot believe I broke down and everything over everything that was going on it's a good thing I had my parents here when I needed them well My Two Dads why mom was at work but yes I understood what was going on

Sisrus: and you're finally awake sleepy head is everything okay we'll figure out how to get your sister and Sarah back working on these we have more leads and everything on the visions and stuff that's happening should all help but right now you really need to let everything relax just so you know as all this is freaking out and getting on to you you're going to be on bed rest for a while as of now because it's almost to the time that you need to be on it turns out that you are farther along a little bit because it was two months the summer before we came here so yeah you're almost 3 or 4 months pregnant now

Harry : wow I guess I could take a while sometimes to figure things out and find out for sure that we really need to hurry up and see what's going on no wonder I'm a mess and everything

Sisrus: yeah you're a mess and everything but you know that I'm going to be here to help you through everything and stuff like that that's what love is and everything so when she rest in that and I tell you we got worn worried himself about you too cuz wonky thinks of you more as a friend than anything else

And I had to laugh at that because I find that house elf to be Family he so sweet and I know that everything that's been going on I have no clue what to do for sure all of a sudden I felt this screeching pain and something going on

Harry : Sirius I'm not sure what but I got a feeling that the babies might be wanting to come early you're really going to have to try and get poppy

Sisrus: it's not good at all if you're going to be having the baby at first and everything like that we better get you to see her before something goes wrong I can't lose you or the babies

And with that thought I really need to fruger out how I'm going to be able to have the babies and do everything I need to do without losing them this is f****** crazy whatever is going on I am f****** pain right now and this is not helping out all I know one thing for sure the stress is getting to me way too much I hate it it's giving me that my babies is may be in distress

Poppy POV

I knew that I heard he hurry up and everything and get to Harry because if he was having problems with the babies and stuff like that I couldn't see my not helping him the best I can when I got there I was able to stabilize and then everything which was good but he's definitely going to need to be on bed rest with everything going on he cannot have any distress

Poppy : was able to stabilize him and everything like that he's not going to be having the babies or anytime soon but it was just the stress that could have caused him to have a lot of distress but they're okay you should be able to finish getting them all the time and stuff like that just right now I really think he's going to need to be taking his health more serious

Sisrus: guess what you're mean is you're going to want us to be watching around the clock and everything in that until we can figure out how to keep him from getting too stressed this is a hard time knowing everything that has happened and all that but we'll do our best

Harry : it's almost like you guys are going to have to baby me and everything in that to keep me from going crazy I hope I don't go not staying in the bed and not being able to do anything cuz after while I get bored you know that

Poppy: well I did say you're stable enough and everything in that now which reminds me you can take it easy and everything in bed and stuff and you're still able to make love them that with your husband but you can't do anything crazy you have to be able to do it gentle and stuff like that until the baby is born but yes you're still allowed to have your time

And I thought that I was so awkward and totally weird talking about that wood poppy but then again she was talking to me as the midwich giving me the okay which was good but still I always looked at her as type of ant or something like that so it's kind of weird when you hear that type of stuff

I cannot believe I just have to have that type of talk with Harry but that's the truth I mean I always think of them something like a nephew and everything but I guess I have to do my job and everything but I know one thing I do not want to see anything go wrong cuz he is one strong boy and we will do everything we can to help his sister and get Sarah back I hope

And with that I gave him something to sleep and when that happens we got owl saying that Sara and Herminoe was took by wormtail and Dumbledore's someplace more we have no clue exactly where they're gone for some reason it seems that whatever is going on is not good we can't tell Harry about anything like this right now because it won't be good for him in the babies I know one thing for sure we're going to have to do everything in our power to get them back

For the Love of Marilyn let's pray and hope that we get them back in time because I do not want to see neither one of those girls lose their children because I ran some tests a little while ago back before Sarah was talking and she is in fact pregnant but the only thing is which is weird everybody else is having other quadruplets or quintuplets but she is having 8 at once so she could be more dangerous than anybody else

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