Chapter 5: Cryptic Cryptids

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Currently in the lecture room we see Ben asleep a few desks away from Minase, almost everyone had left the classroom. Mai had gone to work out at the local gym, Haruhiko went home, Ruru as always followed him, Reina also went home probably snacking along the way. And Iwa and Supuraito has gone out to see a movie together. So it was just the shapeshifter and the golden voice today, the girl had been listening to music when she opened her eyes and looked outside.

"Oh it's almost evening" she noticed before looking at her sleeping friend, 'i should wake him up, no one wants to wake up in a school' she thought before walking over to him. "Hey Ben" she said softly, slightly shaking his shoulder making him wake up a little. "Huh?" He groaned sitting up, "come on Ben, school's gonna close soon" Koito had informed. "Kay thanks" Ben replied rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "oh you're both awake" ms. Arisu said from her desk up front.

"Sorry to bother you but would you do me a favor?" She asked, "is it possible to do it tomorrow?" Ben asked. "If you want" the teacher lead them to her office, "a few days ago odd figures was seen looming around the forests up north" she explained.

"Define odd?" Minase asked, "bizarre entities that had either large strong bodies and a human like stance, were four legged and fast footed with a taste for warm blood. And recently a flying entity with bright red eyes" she explained giving the two pictures of said beings.

"Maybe a phantom?" Ben suggested, "that is possible, but look how in focus the pictures are" Koito said. "If you two could I'd like you to check these out, in case they start to become a problem" Ms. Arisu requested.

"We'll start in the morning" Ben saluted, "also since you two were the only ones here the other members of your team can't take the job" the teacher informed. "Great" Ben groaned knowing it was going to be hard, especially since he didn't know Koito well and wasn't sure if they'd get along. The feeling was mutual for the golden voiced girl.

Later on they inspected the areas where the entities were sighted, "any trace of the creatures?" Minase asked. "A trace? Try a palooza" Ben said, she saw what he was talking about, the area had been trashed as if all the monsters had been here. The shapeshifter had took a step and wrenched his foot back in pain jumping on one leg "ow ow ow ow ow ow!!" He yelled clutching his foot.

Looking down Ben saw what he had stepped on, a small claw "Well that's interesting" he said picking it up. "What did you find?" His friend asked "it looks like a claw of something, it's kinda dull so it reminds me of a dog's claw" Ben answered.

She observed the finding "you're right" she then lurched down as if she stepped in someplace deep. "What the?" Looking down Minase had saw not a hole, but a large footprint, a large familiar footprint. "Uh what's that?" She asked, "reminds me of the false Bigfoot prints back in America" Ben commented.

The two then heard a shriek of sorts, then looked up and saw an odd flying figure barreling towards them from above. "Minase look out!" Ben said pushing her out of the way, the creature swooped but missed, the shapeshifter had grew a few of eye guy's eyes on his shoulder and blasted the creature. It managed to evade the blast by it did graze a wing, shrieking the monster turned back around and made an attempt to dive bomb them.

 It managed to evade the blast by it did graze a wing, shrieking the monster turned back around and made an attempt to dive bomb them

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