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One word, seven letters and one definition. Monster; monsters are real, ghost are real they live with in us and sometimes they win. They walk among us, live and have life's. They live in the darkest parts of our soul. Monster's with no heart, hollow of any feelings. The search for all they can't have, money, power, us. They want us, the things the can't control, and when they win...we lose what is most valuable to us; our minds. Our minds is our most price possession, it holds our memories and more. And when you become trapped in your own dream land, your dream becomes a nightmare.


That word means everything and nothing to us. Nightmare's are nothing yet they control us. Nightmares are the things we push the back of our mind, to never hear or be spoken about again. At the moment we become trapped our nightmares come to life, eating away all we have. Killing us slowly, in a never ending torture. We are children of hatred and lies. Life's built on nothing but fiction. It's all but a game. The question is not whether to play it or not. Is survive or die?

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