The Dying Flowers

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“Wisteria Way is the lead singer bassist for the next up and coming punk rock band, The Dying Flowers. Her fellow bands members; Willow Way, Lamium Cage, and Lotus Musas. Welcome them to the stage, The Dying Flowers.” The host that would be interviewing us said me and my band. We walked out onto the stage and sat down on the couch. “Hello I’m going to do a quick run through say your name and the instrument in the band.” The guy who’s name was Jason said. “I’m Wisteria, I sing and play the bass.” I say then it was Lamium “I’m Lamium, I play the guitar.” Then Willow “I am Willow, I also play the guitar.” And finally Lotus “I’m Lotus I play the drums.” Jason smiles and says “Okay now first question, @TDFFan0013 wants to know ‘Wisteria and Willow how is it being the daughters of such famous guys?’” I smile “Well I find it quite nice, Mikey is awesome and I love him. He is the best dad in the world and I love Alicia and let me tell you I am so happy they got back together because Sarah was a skank just saying. I also love having Gerard as an uncle and I love Lindsey and Bandit too. I almost forgot Frank and Ray love those guys to and Jamia and Christa. Can’t forget about Cherry and Lily.” I say. Willow rolled her eyes “I love my mom and dad. I have to say I favour Bandit over both of them she is a wonderful little sister and she supports me.” Willow says. “Do you have a bone to pick with your parents?” Adam asked. “Well since you asked Lindsey is always like Mikey so proud Wisteria plays the bass and Gerard is so happy that Wisteria has such a wonderful voice. I mean Frank and Ray love that I play guitar but still would you be very happy if your parents loved your younger cousin that is multi fucking talented?” Willow asked. Adam blinked. “No I guess not.” Lamium sighed “Next question please.”


“Yes right, @MSItdfMCR wants to know ‘If you could be any other band member who would it be?’” Adam asked. I smiled “Willow.” “Wisteria.” Willow said. “Willow.” Lamium said. “Lamium, and I feel the love no one wants to be me.” Lotus said. I laughed. “That’s because nobody can handle the awesomeness that is you.” Lotus smile. “True, true.” “Okay next @panckaes wants to know ‘Y u so scary looking & not b scary?’” Adam said. Lamium laughed. “Is it because we wear lots of black. Yeah we get that a lot. Um well because this our fashion taste and yeah we wear colors on weekends.” I say laughing. “I like this question, usually people just ask ‘Y U SO EMO?!’” Lamium said. Them Willow mumbled “Maybe because my dad is a emo.” “Willow!” I say. “Whaaattt?” she groans. “Don’t be a bitch.” Lotus said. “Whatever.” Willow said. “Okay last question @emogerard asks ‘What is your otp?’” Adam said. “Wichael.” Lotus said and Lamium said. “Lomium.” Willow and I say?” “What’s Wichael and Lomium?” Adam asked. “Well you see Wichael is Michael and Wisteria combined as in Michael Clifford and Wisteria Way.” Lotus said. “And Lomium is Lamium and Lotus combined.” Willow said. “Oh okay.” Adam says. “Well thank you for coming and goodnight everybody.” Then the cameras cut.


“Willow I can’t believed you just said all of that on camera.” I say. Adam came over. “Hey guys we’re gonna edit some of that stuff out so don’t worry.” I smiled and said “Thank you.” We walk to the car and head home. Once we get there Gerard is out front waiting for us. “So how’d it go?” he asked. “Why don’t you ask Willow.” I said said heading into the house. “Hey Wisty what’s up?” Mikey says as I sit down next to him. I sigh “Willow called Gerard an emo and said that Gerard and Lindsey liked me more and that basically I’m the center of attention.” I say. Now it’s Mikey that’s sighing. “Of course. Why would she think that though?” He asks. “Well Lindsey is always saying how proud of me she is that I’m a bassist and Gerard is always saying how great my vocals are. I don’t think they realize it but they kind of are ignoring how awesome Willow is at the guitar.” I say. “I guess your right. The thing is though that you guys will learn one day is that when you do something you hope that your child follows in your footsteps. Willow refused singing lessons from Gerard but then you came a long and wanted to learn. I don’t think you understand how much that meant to Gerard. He cried when Willow turned them down but when you asked for them he cried as well but they were tears of joy. Lindsey offered her bass guitar lessons but she turned them down as well but when you asked both of us to help you learn the bass, I was so happy but Lindsey she cried tears of joy as well because she knew pretty damn well you could pf only asked me but you were so sweet and kind and asked both of us. Frank and Ray were happy when Willow asked for guitar lessons, Frank had Cherry and Lily but Ray had no kids to teach so that just made everybody so happy when they saw the look on Ray’s face, he looked like a ray of sunshine. Also what you guys need to know how Bandit, Cherry, and Lily feel. They are so young and stuff, I mean when we adopted you guys we had no idea what you guys would be able to do. I mean you even asked Bob for drum lessons. So Do get what I’m saying?” Mikey finally finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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