
Whenever I see you with other girls, a storm cloud hovers overhead. But I keep quiet about it. For some reason, you would always comprehend my silence and laughingly tease "Are you jealous?"

Of course I'd never admit such a thing to your face.That is borderline ludicrous, childish and so juvenile.

But the truth of the matter is just I just couldn't muster the courage to say what I feel.

You on the other hand were different.

At first I thought it was just you being mean to the guys around me. Like you being your jokingly annoyed self. Then I find it more evident, like how you always keep silent when I'm with our other guy friends and how you suddenly explode in a fit of rage whenever they talk to you.

Then it went to the point that it became obvious even to a dense person such as I, because you begin saying it impliedly.

The last straw was when you actually said the words "Don't go near other guys."

Could it be that you were jealous?

It couldn't be, right? That's impossible, I mean, there's no way you would right? I'm just your friend and you probably don't want anyone to steal your friend away right?

You're probably just one of those territorial friends...right?

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