CHAPTER THREE: Keeping the Pain at Bay

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CHAPTER THREE: Keeping the Pain at Bay


            I sat there at the headmistress’ office with the aurors standing almost at every corner of the whole place. I frowned but tried my best to keep my head down in case they might find my frowning suspicious. These men are too paranoid against death eaters these days.

            Why too many aurors guarding me?  It’s as if I am not a bloody unaccomplished student-wizard.

            “Draco Malfoy, calm down, my boy.” Headmistress McGonagall placed her hand on my shoulders and I realized that my whole body were tensed. Yeah I am a bloody coward. Who won’t be? I mean we’re talking about Azkaban here.

            “It is not our mandate to place a young wizard into Azkaban especially when this wizard was only forced to make evil biddings.” The leader of the aurors said while eyeing me and all I could do was stare. What the bloody hell is he talking about? What mandate?

            Malfoy, we only wish your cooperation.” Professor McGonagall said.

            “M-My cooperation, professor?” I asked. You must be kidding me. I know I will always end up in Azkaban! You bloody Potter fans wanted me badly to suffer, do you?!

            “Yes, my boy. Something had happen to your father and we need you to keep under school arrest. And you have to report us any relevant information to help your family.” She said. My father.

            My eyes met her grey ones with so many queries. I don’t care if she sees me as a ‘soft little boy’ right now. I was more concerned about my family’s well-being. What have the Ministry done to my parents?

            “W-what happened?” Dread was in my voice now.

            “Your father is alive, though, we cannot be so sure about his well-being at this moment… You see, my boy. Your father escaped from Azkaban whilst your mother tried her best to detain him.” She said. She spoke those words in a careful manner and I was even more bugged by it. Something was still in there that she was not telling me.

            “And my mother?” I asked, afraid of everything.

            “Your mother passed away, Draco. She’s gone. I am dreadfully sorry, my child.” Her words pierced me into thousand pieces.

It was like a blunt knife had pushed itself into my chest and turning into knots while my head was starting to ache. My sight was starting to blur either from the sudden sorrow or from the waters that my eyes could not control. With those words, all control went berserk and all walls crumbled until I was bare infront of them. I was not Draco Malfoy anymore… I was just simply a boy who lost the only person that showed me what unconditional love is. I may not have love anybody except for her but my mother showed it enough for me to distinguish pure love from responsibility-related affections. My mother was my only confidant, my haven and my sanctuary away from the burdens of bloodline crazy elders.

Now I was alone—alone from these insane bloodline-obsessed monsters and alone in this cold dangerous world of traitors.

“Who?” I manage to take a hold onto the reality but inside I was already crumbling down.

“Draco… It was your father who threw the curse. Your mother was in the way…” all of their presence went in a blur. I do not know what was happening because all I could feel was a pain I never felt before.


***End of Chapter Three***


            Nothing active really happened here, don’t you think? WAAAY TOO SHORT o_o Oh, please keep in tuned with this story! Lucius Malfoy had gone mad due to the pressure and tortures of the dementors and aurors. He is up to something nasty and believe me, I will try to make you understand why he is so obsessed of bloodlines. This time I swear you won’t really condemn him for being him. I just don’t condemn the Malfoys. I just think they are misunderstood and strayed.

Harry potter is not yet safe, fellas and do watch for Hermione’s safety too!  >_< Thank you so much for reading! ~Sola

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