I Do Adore

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Everything you do, it sends me higher than the moon. With every twinkle in your eye, you strike a match that lights my heart on fire.

     Kiku stared at Alfred, his best friend. All he was doing was happily eating one of his burgers like usual. But Kiku couldn't help but stare into Alfred's sapphire eyes that sparkled happily. 

     Everything that Alfred did was so special to Kiku and he was finally able to understand why. It was as if Alfred was a gift to him from whatever gods that there may be. And Kiku cherished his gift.

     Not only were they best friends. But they had become lovers recently as well. Kiku was still very hesitant in the relationship, Alfred was the one who'd show most of the affection. But Kiku wouldn't reject the hugs and quick kisses on the cheek. He enjoyed being shown attention by his boyfriend, Alfred made him happy.

When you're near I hide my blushing face, and trip on my shoelaces. Grace just isn't my forte. But it brings me to my knees when you say,

     Kiku easily got nervous and flustered. Especially when Alfred was around. Alfred though Kiku getting flustered was absolutely adorable. He loved it when he could make Kiku blush.

     That was part of the reason that Alfred was so affectionate towards Kiku. Other than he was just an affectionate person of course.  It made him happy to know that he could make Kiku flustered. To know that Kiku loved him.

     So every morning and thoughout the entire day there was something Alfred would say to Kiku. Whether it was over text. Over a phonecall. Or in person. Alfred would never fail to say it to him every day. Because he knew it would make Kiku blush, no matter how many times he said it. Alfred said,

"Hello. How are you? My darling. Today."

I fall into a pile, on the floor. Puppy love is hard to ignore. When everything little you do, I do adore.

     And every day without fail Kiku would get extremely flustered. He would cover his blushing face. Alfred chuckled, finding it adorable of course. Kiku would look up at Alfred from behind his hand, parting his hands slightly. Kiku just couldn't hide a faint smile. 

     Alfred would cover Kiku's face with loving kisses. Kiku would giggle quietly as Alfred did so. Alfred kissed everywhere on his face. Well, everywhere but his lips.

     Alfred knew that Kiku was nervous about having their first kiss. It would be a commitment that he'd have to make. Alfred respected that, agreeing not to kiss Kiku's lips until he was ready.

We're as different as can be. I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed and I'm overly uptight. We balance out each other nicely.

     Alfred and Kiku's personalities were completely different. Alfred was an extrovert. He could be completely comfortable and relaxed when talking to other people. And just like everything else, Kiku loved that about him. It was something he admired about Alfred.

     Kiku was an introvert. He preferred to stay alone at home. Alfred was an exception too his preferring to be alone rule. Being with Alfred made him happier then being alone. But with everyone else Kiku was extremely nervous and uptight. 

     Alfred would usually help Kiku talk with other people. And Kiku helped Alfred enjoy activities that you'd usually do alone. They balanced each other out. They were two halves that made one whole.

You wear sandals in the snow, in mid July I still feel cold. We're opposites in every way. But I can't resist it when you say,

     Alfred was the kind of person who wasn't bothered by the cold. Maybe it was his energy, and naturally warm and friendly personality. Kiku was someone who was always cold, he wore several layers of clothing yet still felt cold when it was summer. 

     One snowy day Alfred was wearing a t-shirt and shorts while sitting in the snow. Kiku wore two t-shirts, a sweater, and the jacket that Alfred wore constantly. Kiku liked wearing it. And Alfred thought he looked really cute in it. 

     Kiku's head was rested in Alfred's lap as he was lying in the snow. But Alfred helped Kiku feel warm instead of cold. Even if Alfred wasn't wearing clothes suitable for winter. Kiku smiled up at Alfred. Alfred grinned down at him and decided to say what he always said to Kiku.

"Hello. How are you? My darling. Today."

I fall into a pile, on the floor. Puppy love is hard to ignore. When every little thing you do, I do adore.

     Kiku's face turned bright red. But he didn't cover his face. He smiled happily up at Alfred. He really did love it when Alfred said that to him. It was a sign that Alfred cared for him enough to say this incredibly sweet thing to him every day.

     Alfred ran his fingers through Kiku's jet black hair. He smiled lovingly down at him. He gently stroked Kiku's cheek. Kiku rested his hand on top of Alfred's hand. He closed his eyes and smiled happily. They were both so in love.

Finding words I mutter. Tongue tied, twisted. Foot in mouth. I start to stutter. H-H-Heaven help me...

     And now it was spring. They both sat on the porch of Kiku' house. They looked out that the cherry blossom trees that Kiku's family had planted in the garden of this house. The pink petals from the blooming flowers fluttered around them. 

     The beautiful scene felt so romantic. It reminded Kiku about how he really wanted to be more affectionate in their relationship. But he was so nervous. He still stuttered around Alfred, unable to find the right words.

     But he wanted to do something. Make some kind of romantic move. Alfred was always being so openly loving towards him. Kiku felt like he should return it. Kiku took a deep breath. 

     Kiku moved a little closer to Alfred. He tugged gently on Alfred's sleeve, trying to move his attention away from the cherry blossoms and towards him. Alfred's sky blue eyes met Kiku's chocolatey brown ones. Kiku wanted to do something special. He decided what to do. Say what Alfred said to Kiku every single day.

"Herro... How are you...? My darring... Today..." 

I fall into a pile, on the floor. Puppy love is hard to ignore. When every little thing you do, I do adore.

     Alfred's face turned crimson. Kiku smiled faintly. Alfred paused before grinning back at Kiku. Alfred had never expected Kiku to ever say those words back to him. But it made him happy. He gently kissed Kiku on the forehead.

     "You have terribre aim..." Kiku said softly. Alfred looked at Kiku with wide eyes. Kiku smiled before kissing Alfred softly. After a few moments Alfred's eyes fluttered shut. He placed his hands on Kiku's hips, kissing back gently. Kiku and Alfred both knew that they they would always love each other. With a passion greater than a thousands suns. They were committed to that promise.

Every little thing, ba ba ba ba.

Every little thing, ba ba ba ba.

Every little thing you do.

I do adore~

I Do Adore - An Ameripan SongficWhere stories live. Discover now