Part Eleven

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After a quiet evening and a sound night’s sleep, I awoke with renewed confidence. No nightmares, no howls in the dark, and as far as I could remember, no nocturnal wanderings. The sun had returned and everything looked brighter. I couldn’t believe I’d overslept.

It was Easter Saturday.

“Crumpets?” Mum offered, as I entered the living room.

“Thanks. But just a couple. I’m meeting Seb for lunch in an hour.”

After breakfast, I dressed simply in a white shirt and navy mini skirt with over the knee socks and pumps. On my way out of the door, I added my red baseball jacket to the ensemble, and with my hair in a high ponytail, I was feeling quite preppy and patriotic.

Lunchtimes at Despots were never busy, but when I entered, it was even quieter than normal. I got the feeling that the townsfolk of Fosswell were still too scared to venture out for anything less than a necessity.

Sebastian was late. I wasn’t surprised. I’d got used to his erratic schedule, so I’d taken a book to pass the time.

Martin came over with a menu; the chicken sounded good. I ordered a cola and settled in to wait.

“Hello. Can I get you a top up?” said an accent I’d only ever heard in old horror movies. Not again. Why could I never get any peace in this place?

I looked up and thought I was hallucinating. The man looming over me could have stepped straight out of my Anne Rice novel, and I grew suddenly nervous.

“Are you talking to me?” Stupid question, stupid Sophie. Who else could he have been talking to? The two old codgers in the corner? Perhaps the guy testing the stage lighting?

“You look like my kind of girl,” he answered, angling his head to read my book’s cover. “And I love the hair…such a fox.”

Shit busted. I couldn’t believe I’d let my guard down and been identified by, what was almost certainly, one of Tyron’s minions sent to kidnap or kill me. “Sorry, should I know you?”

“Not yet. My name is Mikai Borovic, and I am new in town.”

“Yeah? Business or pleasure?” That’s right, keep him talking, Soph, buy some time before you die.

“A little bit of business and hopefully a lot of pleasure.” He sat down next to me and leant in a little too close.

I laughed nervously. “I don’t fall for cheesy pick-up lines,” I said, scooching further along the booth.

My unease amused him. He moved closer, and his hungry eyes slowly surveyed my face. “You have a very pretty neck.”

“Thank you. Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t think my boyfriend would be very pleased with the your suggestive conversation, and you certainly don’t want to get on his bad side.” I hated playing the boyfriend card, but I wanted rid of this guy.

“I see. I understand. I have competition. Well, I have a bad side too; maybe mine needs to meet his.” His eyes widened with a suggestive twinkle.

“Maybe it will. Hello. Sebastian Lovell.” Relief flooded through me, as Sebastian held his hand out for the visitor to shake. “I’m the boyfriend, and you’re in my seat.”

Our visitor inhaled deeply and struggled to mask his distaste. “Ah, I understand now. What a coincidence that we should meet today. May we speak in private?”

“This is as private as it gets. Should I be expecting you? Your kind and mine don’t usually mingle.”

Mikai nodded. “Quite true, but I had a visit some weeks ago from a Vires demon. I believe you know him.”

“Tyron,” Sebastian and I chorused in unison.

“He came to me for help. He presumed I would be willing to supply him with a fresh army, having lost a good many of his number in a previous battle. However, he chose the wrong man to ask. I have spent enough time in the company of death. I prefer more…pleasurable activities these days. The resources here are in plentiful supply. I would hate for that to change.” I squirmed under his gaze. “She is not very big. What is she like in battle?”

Sebastian ignored his question. “I’m still not sure what you’re doing here.”

“We are probably all going to end up on one side or another. I am choosing mine early.” He was still staring at me. “Can you wield a sword, my pretty one?”

“She doesn’t need to.”

“Perhaps not, but there may come a time. Tell me, has she acquired the full use of her powers yet?”

Sebastian’s face fell. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t cottoned on. Makai was a vampire, and of course, he would know who I was. Sebastian gripped the edge of the table, so hard his knuckles turned white, and a streak of red flashed across his eyes.

“There’s no cause for alarm, I assure you. I will keep her secret. As I said, I am on your side.” Mikai rose to leave. “I have disturbed your luncheon long enough. We will speak again soon. Good day to you.”

The rest of the day passed normally enough, and the vampire’s visit wasn’t mentioned again. After lunch, Sebastian left to meet his father for a business meeting in Carleigh, so I headed back to the flat and spent a non-eventful evening in front of the TV.

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