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What just happened ? One minute we're annoying the hell out of each other, and the next minute we're laughing with each other. Huh?
I can't let her get to me, this has already gone too far. I'm not trying to develop feelings for this girl.

But there's so much to like about her.
her wild hair,
her full lips,
her smile,
her brown almond eyes,
her gorgeous caramel complexion,
her hips,
her thighs,
And so much more.

Ok, ok . So she's undeniably pretty. That doesn't mean I have to like her. Right?

Pull yourself together Jax. Keep your composure. Why am I thinking about this, I can't date her. I don't date black girls. I don't date anybody. Except that one girl.
I try my best to shake off the thought of her.

Plus, I mean what would Ryan say?
"Dude why her? Anybody but her. She's so ugly, and dark."
But she's not.

Stop it Jax.

We arrive at Ms. Shelton's door for second period, and I hold the door open for her as she enters the class in front of me. All of a sudden, all focus is shifted towards us. 
Damn. Nosey ass adolescents.
I already know what they're thinking, "What were they doing?" or "I wonder why they come in together?"
Cool it, we shared a laughing moment but that's it. Won't happen again. Never. Ever.
I hope.

We walk to our seats which happen to be in the same area. Great.

I spot my old "summer fling" Jessica sitting at a desk by the window. She sends me a wink and I reflect a look of grimace.
I'm not even going to get into that. That's a different story for a different day.

I walk to the back of the class then I notice that Zara's walking in the same direction as me. I let her pass me and she says "Sorry."

"Don't trip me this time." Zara says playfully.
I glare at her with a straight face even though I want to grin.
As she walks to her seat, I walk behind her and look down.
And watch her cheeks go up and down in all directions in her black leggings.
Friggin' frack.

I sit down and take my books out of my bag. "What's this class about?" said Zara. "Chemistry" I say as I take out a mechanical pencil. I tap Zara's desk and whisper "May I have a single sheet of the college ru-" "Ok dang." she said cutting me off.
She hands me the paper and I nod as if to say "thank you". Our fingers touch and I feel that static again. What's up with that ?

I'm going to try my best not to communicate with her anymore so I can see if these "feelings" disappear.
If they're even considered feelings.

No, I'm not even going to speak that into the air.

"Alright class today we will be going over our safety contract for this class." Ms. Shelton announced.
I look over at Zara and see that she has her hands placed on her cheeks as if she's already bored. I'm bored too. And tired. I lay my head down on my desk and begin to doze off.

"Hello?" I yell. Where am I ? Why's it so dark in here? Can't see a damn thing. "Jax?" I hear. What is that? "Where am I?" "Jax!" There it goes again. "Zara?" I yell as I look around. "James please!"
"Mommy!" I yell. I Stupid bitch." I hear down the hall. Dad? He's hitting her again. Suddenly, I'm back in my room. But it's so dark I can't see anything, only the door and the light coming from under it. In a state of panic, I run towards the light under the door before I trip on my Michael Jordan action figure. Ouch. I rub my knee and limp towards the door. Why is he hitting her again? I reach for the doorknob but I can't find it. Why can't I find it?
"Jax!" mommy exclaims even louder. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" I shriek from as I struggle to find the doorknob. I finally feel it for a brief second. Then it's gone. It's locked. "Jax!" "Mommy!" I exclaim as I bang on the door rapidly as hard as I can. It's not opening. "James no." I hear my mom cry from the other room. I bang on the door even harder and my fists begin to ache. Tears fall down my face freely as I struggle to knock the door down. "Shut up bitch." says my dad. "James don't, please!" she screams. Don't what ?

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