Chapter 21

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It didn't take long for the days to pass and turn into weeks for the extended Black Arms family, the weeks turning into months, and months thus turning into years of absolute joy that came from the pups and their antics as their personalities started to shine through the older they got.

And of course their parents were by them every step of the way-- first words, first lost tooth, first hunt, there was nothing that the parents couldn't be more proud of than their own children.

And if they'd thought raising hatchlings were hard, then adolescents were going to be a nightmare.


"Mooooom! Tynan took my kill!!!" A 16-year-old Raven shouted as she chased the youngest male of the sextuplets out the family cave and onto the grounds surrounding it. Tynan was the family’s only Submissive and took mostly after his mother in regards to personality and looks, although he is slightly mischievous and playful as well. He can usually be found hanging around his Dominant brother Chaos which can explain why.

Sighing, a more mature Sonic then stepped out of the cave, and shouted after his pup, "Tynan, give Rae back her kill! Now!!"

But it looked like Tynan was once again being a troublemaker and wasn't going to be listening to his mother any time soon as he continued to run round and dodge Raven's attempt to get her kill, a large rainbow fish, back.

With a heavy sigh, Sonic looked back into the cave and looked to his mate, "Shadow, could you..?"

"I'm on it," he sighed as he came to stand beside his mate at the cave's exit. Taking a deep breath, he roared, "TYNAN!!!!" at the top of his lungs, making everyone in the clearing stop in their tracks-- including said teen.

The Dominant made his way out the cave and to Tynan, said boy's ears folding back in submission as he lowered himself to the ground, instinctively trying to appear smaller.

"Didn't you hear your mother talking to you?" Shadow raised a brow as he towered over his cowering son.

"....Yes, sir," he mumbled quietly, having let Rae's kill go by now, which his sister quickly came and retrieved before getting out of dodge.

"Then why didn't you listen to him?" his father frowned.

"I...I was just having fun, Dad..." the azure said nervously.

"That didn't mean that you had to disobey your mother," Shadow chastised him. "The next time he tells you to do something, you do it, understand?"

"Yes sir..." he pouted, his chocolate brown eyes gazing at his paws now instead of his father’s eyes.

"Good, now go apologize to both Raven and your mother. And I want you to remain inside, you're not allowed outside the cave anymore today until I say otherwise..." Shadow told his wayward pup.

Sadly, the young Submissive nodded, and still staying low to the ground, the smaller male slowly crept past his father to do what he'd been told. But a sharp nudge to the rear had him quickly scampering off to get a move on.

Sonic sighed tiredly with a slight shake of his head as he watched Tynan make his way towards the back of the cave, the pup mumbling a soft, "Sorry" to the his mother along the way.

“What are we going to do with him, love?" Sonic murmured as he nuzzled his mate once Shadow came back to join him.

"Keep him, love him, and feed him, just like the rest," Shadow smiled in amusement, earning a giggle from his mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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