SlapHappy Feels

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(1st p.o.v.)
When we arrived at my apartment's roof, Donnie put me down lightly. I shivered and held my arms close to my body. He noticed and put an arm around me, making me instantly warmer.

"You guys can go ahead. I'm just going to patch (y/n) up." He says. They all nodded and said their goodbyes. "Thanks for helping once again (y/n). Get better soon." Said Leo. He jumped to the next roof, followed by Mikey and Raph. April was about to say something until Casey nudged her. "C'mon Red."

She stopped herself and looked down. She nodded and followed Casey off the roof.

After everyone else left, Donnie led/half carried me towards the door that led downstairs.

After walking down 2 flights of stairs, we reach my door. I unlocked it and led him inside. I turned on the lights as he enters and looks around.

"The medical things are in there." I say and hop towards the closet door. "I'll get it (y/n). You just rest." He says and leads me to the couch. I smile lightly at his sweetness and did as told. When I sat down, the remote was beside me so I turn on the news. A woman was sitting at the desk, giving a report about the Kraang attack.

"This just in, the city mayor has given out his formal report about the city's "alien attack". Stating that all of it is just a hoax created by local college kids. The people reported taken by these "strange creatures" are said to have suffer from hallucinations caused by the same medication. Further info will be reported shortly."

As I listened to the woman talk, I thought about how so many people will call bull on the idea hallucinations. As I kept watching the TV, I hadn't notice that Donnie was kneeling beside me until he lightly picked up my leg.

I winced at the pain and held in my tears. "I'm sorry! Are you okay (y/n)!?" He says in a panicky voice. I muffled an "mhm." And held my mouth tightly shut. Donnie examines my purple and blue colored ankle and he starts to wrap my leg.

I tried to distract my self by watching the TV, but somehow, I just kept having my attention go towards Donnie.

As I watched him, I could feel my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush red. I felt my cheek and tried to cool them down. 

When Donnie finishes, he realizes that I have been fanning myself.

"I thought you were cold." He says looking up at me. I stopped and changed the subject by examining his work.

"You're really good." I say and turn the TV off.

"Thanks. I've had practice. When are your parents supposed to come home." He says looking towards the door.

"They're out of town right now. Won't be back till next Monday." I say and lean my head back on the couch. "That's a long time for you to stay here alone." Donnie says and sits next to me.

I shrug and stare at the ceiling, thinking about the events of today. If my parents found out, they would freak out. Freak out so much, they would not just move to the other side of the state, but to the other side of the country. I realize now, that they have had controlled my life so much, I'm basically their doll. After moving, they just had to keep checking up on me every hour. I wasn't allowed to walk to school like the other kids and was supposed to only eat homemade lunches. I'm surprised that they agreed on letting me stay here my own.  Plus, having April breath down my neck and being a major pain, I believe I had lost a good friend.

"Is something wrong (y/n)?" I hear Donnie say.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing..." I say and look at him. He had a worried expression and studied my face.

"No, there's something wrong. You can tell me (Y/n)." he says softly.

I stay quiet for a moment and nod. "Well, I guess I'm just thinking about life. Parent stuff I'm dealing with I guess. I mean, we have a good relationship and all, but there's this feeling I get that makes me believe I can't be myself." I purposely leave out the April situation, waiting for the right moment to tell the truth about her. I figured Donnie wouldn't take it too well that his first human crush had threatened me. 

"I get it. Master Splinter can be a little overbearing sometimes. Things will get better though. If there is something wrong with your relationship with your parents, then I recommend just talking to them about it. I'm sure they will understand and will try to make things better." He says with reassurance.

"Thanks." I say yawning.
I look at the clock on the wall and see it was getting close to 12.

"I'd better get going. I don't want you falling asleep during class tomorrow." Donnie says and stands up. He then leans over me and picks me up bridal style and starts for the hallway. We then enter my room and he gently puts me down on my bed.

"Thanks Donnie." I say and pull the covers over me. "No problem. Listen, uh, did the kraang...try, to do anything, to you?" He asks.

My memory then suddenly goes back to when Kraang Prime was going to do something horrid to me. I don't know what, but just thinking about it made my stomach turn. I glance at the ground and think of something to say to make Donnie believe I was okay.

"They did ask me questions about your guys. Then Mikey jumped in and saved me." I say.

His eyes soften as I said this, making me feel guilty about not telling him the whole truth. Right before he leaves, he turns back to me keeps  his head low.

"I-i'm sorry for dragging you into this mess. I should have saved you when I had the chance." he quietly says. Right after he said this, my heart filled with sorrow, making believe I was the fool for having him feel this way.

"Donnie, it's okay. It was my fault, I should have just stayed inside the school." I say. Next thing I knew, Donnie had his arms wrapped around me. His head was in the crook of my neck and I feel a warm wetness seep through my shirt.

"NO, it was me who should have protected you (Y/n)! I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you again!" he says and hugs me tighter.

"D-Donnie, I-" 

"I promise (Y/n), I will protect you from here on out. I will try my best to make sure you won't get mixed in with all this chaos."

I didn't know what to say. Hearing his words made my heart skip a few beats and made my legs feel shaky. But that shakiness was caused from the over joy of happiness I felt deep within me. I hugged him back and laid my head down on his shoulder.

The last thing I remembered before drifting to sleep in his warm embrace, was the soft touch of something on my forehead as he lied me down on my pillow and tucked me in for the night.

8YearsGone(DonatelloxReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon