An End To The Warriors

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the Warriors stood up and so did Blue Eyes and the Warriors said 

" 555" Susuki said 

" Good bye" Eriu said

Blue Eyes and Shin Nero and Kai saw 555 in green in the sky they wondered what it meant and then Blue Eyes Nero Kai and Shin were traped

                                                                                             2 hours of trying to escape 

finally they escaped the trap and there was 5 Clones of susuki and 5 clones of Eriu and the clones altogetheer  was 10 clones then Eriu and susuki came it was 12 people and they kept attacking Blue Eyes and Shin and Nero and Kai Nonstop it hurt bad and it kept was going 

then the 12 people stoped and then the 1 people were gone and it was Eriu and Susuki

" that was a good combo" Susuki said 

" yeah " Eriu said 

"I have a plan Kai said" 

" i see " Nero said 

" sit for a while Blue Eyes" Shin said '

Blue Eyes sat and watched

Kai got a rock and jumped and Threw it at Shin the Shin got it and threw it at Nero Nero got it and Threw it at Kai then Kai Jumped Eriu and Susuki thought Kai was gonna Pass to Shin but Kaai did not kai jumpd and Threw it Fast and so hard it him Eriu and it hit Susuki at the same time and the warriors fell and they dissapered and Blue Eyes saw and said

" nice im your pet from now on Kai and Shin you can get my Nephew Lesbia and Nero you can get my  other Nephew  Josh and the boys were happy Blue Eyes turned Small size and Everybody knew about thiss and liked it and everything was just right

                                                                         THE END

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 25, 2012 ⏰

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