He can do that??

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-Continuation from Chapter 5-

I groggily opened my eyes when the sunlight's rays hit them. I let out a soft meow as I tried to sit up on my front paws. I felt a surge of pain on my side, I looked to see what it is to fine a bandage around my torso. I looked at it confused and survey my surroundings. I'm in what looks to be a living room and I'm guessing on the couch. 'I don't understand, why am I here??'

I stood up despite the pain, I looked around and saw a window that was barely open. 'Maybe I can make a break for it!' I limped to the arm rest and climbed on top of it. There was a gap between the couch and window, meaning I would have to jump..

'Okay I got this!' I got into position and went with a leap.. But I didn't make the ledge...

'Uh oh'


I stared at the moon as it gleamed brightly in the night sky when I heard a soft 'thud' confused I got up from my spot on the roof and climbed into the window to my room. I walked out of my room to the hallway where I heard soft meows. I softly gasp as one thought came to my mind 'Misa?!' I ran the rest of the to the living room. I stood at the door frame as I took in the scene in front of me. Misa was on the ground in front of the window by the couch, she was rolling around on the ground as she meowed. 

I cautiously walked over to the strange kitten as she continued to rolled around. I got on my knees and put my hands in my lap as I contiuned to stare at her. "M-misa..?" I had asked and she continued to role but soon stopped to stare at me, confused? Then her eyes went wide from shock and she got up to run. Before I knew it she was running around the corner out of the room leaving scratch marks on the ground.

"H-hey wait!" I quickly got up and ran after ,almost tripping as I went down the hallway, follow the flash of ,what color would you call it? Peach maybe? I'm going to go with peach, peach that scurried across the ground... Right into my room. 

I stopped right at the door to my room and quietly and slowly opened the door. The hinges groaned as I opened the door wider. I peaked my head in to see Misa on my windowsill and she looked like she was about to jump. My eyes went wide and I threw the door open.

"Wait! Stop!!" My hand shot toward her and..


I ran into the first door that I saw, I climbed what looked like to be a bed. I sat down and took a breath. 'what was with that guy?? Who is Misa? It can't be me, I don't have a name!' I quickly looked around trying to find a place to hide since I knew the boy was chasing after me and that he would be here shortly. My eyes widen as I saw a window that was fully open. 'My escape!!' 

I jump onto the windowsill and look down, I was at least a 2 stories high. I grimaced seeing the distance from the window to the sandy ground, the thing is I didn't have much time to think because I heard the door open and I was so scared that I jumped....

I heard a scream that sounded like the boy from earlier, I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the ground. Quicker than I thought, I felt the familiar feeling of sand under my paws. I slowly and hesitantly opened my eyes and looked down. I saw sand but... I saw the ground that was under me was still I good 2 stories away. I gasped and I could feel my hair stand up. I was shaking as I turned around when I heard heavy breathing, I saw the boy hanging half of his body out of the window with his hand stretched out towards me.

'D-did he do this?'



Sorry it took me so long to update, it's just a lot of things are happening and I just couldn't find time to write... 

But! I found time this for this short chappie!

I hope you like it!!

Don't forget to..



(enjoy the cute kiddie Gaara :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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