Hidding in closet

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Vegeta: "I c-can't move Kacurrott..."

Goku: (Teliports into krillin's mini closet)

Vegeta: "This is the worst hiding place ever..." *Growls*

Goku: "Don't worry Vegi you'll feel your legs in two hours."

Vegeta: "I hate you so much."

Goku: "I know you mean love." *Smirks* (grabs Vegeta's butt)

Vegeta: *squeals*

Goku: "Mmmmmmm~"

Vegeta: Oh great I'm stuck in a closet with Kacurrott "Stop touching me..."

Goku: "Your mouth says no but your body says yes."

Vegeta: "Shut up!" *blushes*

Goku: "Heh I love when you're mad it turns me on. You up for round two Vegeta?"

Vegeta: "No my ass is sore."

Sorry for the short chapter I have readers block I really need some ideas...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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