Maire: The Origins of a Friendship, and Eternally Questionable Sanities

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I don't really understand the appeal of this entire thing.

...Okay, that's a lie, I do. But I have this bad feeling- the kind that comes right before a really bad flu, quarter finals, and one of Niko's bad ideas. So yeah, I guess it happens fairly often.

Sorry for being rude. I'm Maire- Marielle Amateur, exactly one-half of this account, and I would like to sincerely apologize for what you're about to read. Get out while you can- if you're lucky, you'll be able to leave with your sanity intact.

If you're still, here, you can't say I didn't try and warn you. In any case, this story is, to put it bluntly, about me and Niko. (Yes, Rinna, I am aware my grammar isn't perfect. Sue me.) Niko's my best friend of almost eight years, and to commemorate the miracle of us not killing each other yet, Niko and I decided to work on a collaboration again (like the last one wasn't a complete and total disaster). Since I chose the theme of the story last time, Niko got to choose this time 'round.

Of all the things she could have chosen, she went with this: a 'my non-cliché un-typical High School life' fic. We've written fantasy, action, horror, tragedy, h/c, angst, tragedy, gore, sci-fi, tragedy, mystery, did I mention the tragedy? -and she chooses this.

Like I said, I have a bad feeling.

Anyway, Niko and I are two dynamically different people. One of the only things we have in common is that we're both short, both writers, and... yeah, basically that's it. I'm a Christian, she's agnostic, I'm old-fashioned, she's all for new age watchamacallsits, I'm the history/politics/literature buff, she dominates science and math. We fight over almost everything, politics, values and moral systems, whether or not to ship Lams in Hamilton (I dont really, platonic ships all the way), the value of Disney to society (how do you not remember Brother Bear?) and so much more. One of the greatest mysteries of modern society is how we became best friends- and how that friendship lasted eight years (and going).

I don't know how Niko'll tell it, but this is what I remember:


In my defense, Niko and I weren't always that different. Once upon a time we were actually really similar.

Grade 3, Section A. I was the new girl in class, along with several other kids. Niko was one of them.

Man, she was short back then! Well, short-er, shes still short now. She was also such a sweetheart, caring, innocent, sweet, kind-hearted. Key word: was. She was a Christian Born-Again, like me, and we both liked the colors pink and purple, among other things. We agreed books made for better companionship than actual people, and, well. There was just something about Niko. At one point in time I thought it was destiny. Honestly, now I just want to get my brain checked. Staying friends with Niko for eight years?


Truth be told, I don't really remember the specific circumstances in which our friendship was formed, but I remember walking into school one Saturday morning (makeup classes suck), and Niko was the first one to run up to me and scream "Happy Birthday!" Truth be told, she was the only one who cared...

She gave me a card, with a promise to stick by my side, that day. It had a very pretty flower on it, and I made her teach me how to draw it so I could give her a card with the exact same flower on it on her birthday.

I still have the card she gave me, eight years ago...


Anyway, a lot's changed since then, but Niko held to her promise- we've faced down bullies, puberty, disasters, humiliation, triumphs, betrayals, losses, loves, depression, separation, and every other thing in between. And now, eight years later, for better or for worse, she's still by my side- and I'm by hers.

I've regretted a lot of things in my relatively short life, but not Niko. Never Niko.

For all that it'll likely be the cause of my insanity, that girl's stuck with me.

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