Chapter One

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        a/n: contains some strong language and a few sexually suggestive jokes

        Harry couldn't remember the last thing he had smelled in Amortentia, but it had definitely not been this.

        Now, there were three things coming into his nose in a strange sensation all at once, yet he could still pick out each individual scent. First, the crisp smell of the pine wood that made up his Firebolt. That made sense. Next, the saccharine fumes of warm peach cobbler that would usually be emanating from the Great Hall's tables on Christmas (and inevitably, Harry's plate. That shit was good). Lastly, something strange that sparked both curiosity and fear in Harry's mind.

        In any run-of-the-mill situation, the smell of a man's cologne would be pleasant but uninteresting to Harry. What usually invoked a sense of attraction would be the sweet smell of perfume, because according to him, attractive girls wore perfume.

        But it this was clearly not sweet. It was poignant and sharp - yet not distasteful - cologne. Yes, definitely cologne. Men wore cologne. As in not women. This potion was never wrong though, magic wasn't wrong. Maybe it wasn't cologne? Harry nervously sniffed again for confirmation. It was. It was obviously that.

        He allowed himself to review the similar incident that happened last year to Seamus Finnigan, but in a more unfortunate way. Snape had taken a cauldron of Amortentia out with Draught of Living Death and Chelidonium Miniscula for a simple identification test. Seamus had glanced over at Dean Thomas and half-sarcastically (and very loudly) asked if he had poured an entire bottle of his body wash into the potion on the far left.

        That was the one time Harry had ever seen Snape laugh. Unemotional, yes, but it was a throaty chuckle that took everyone by surprise. This was followed by bitter and blunt explanation that the scent of someone you love is one of the most common smells that people receive from Amortentia. Surprising for everyone close to Seamus (and Seamus himself), he was outed to the entire class. Amazingly, feelings were mutual, but the initial embarrassment didn't last for long. Only a week later, the two were actually put in detention for overly dramatic PDA in the halls that wasn't exactly school friendly.

        But Harry wasn't gay. Or, what was it, bisexual? Was he? I mean, everyone questions their sexuality at some point, right? But he'd never been attracted to men. Or maybe he had... oh God, was it Ron? It wasn't Ron, No, the thought of snogging his best frie-

        Harry's racing thoughts were interrupted by Slughorn at the front of the room, who was artfully swirling his hand above his cauldron, causing the fragrant smoke to rise and twist before dissipating into the cool dungeon air. "Attention!" He had said, a good time after taking the lid off of the incriminating pot. "Judging by your reactions, I assume you already know what this little concoction is. I am aware that Professor Snape gave you a snippet introduction of it last year!"

        While everyone took a smug glance at a blushing Seamus and Dean, Harry also then remembered what had gone up his nose last time instead of the cologne. Ginger, as in the representation of a certain best friend's sister. He had called that crush quits before he even let Ron know, for he didn't want to ruin their closeness over something as silly as (Harry almost scoffed at this next thought) love. He didn't know if that or this situation was worse for his mental state.

        Slughorn continued. "In the next week or so, we will be doing a more in-depth study of this Amortentia. Be prepared for writing at least a foot and a half of parchment on whether or not this little beast should be outlawed from the general public." At this, several groans echoed around the room.

        "But today and tomorrow, we will be doing some hands on work. Remember, brewing this incorrectly will result in a dangerous state mimicking addiction to the smells that you will all be enjoying, so I need you to be careful!" For effect, he tried to slam down the lid on the pot, and many giggled when he missed his mark and the cover went clattering to the ground. Harry, however, was too busy concerning himself with the fact that he was supposedly "enjoying" a male's scent. Oh lord.

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