Mystery Unsolved...

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After five minutes of walking, here I was in front of the Frobisher Library. I could hear whispering and chatting inside. I went over and took a peep through the door. I could see Eddie, Patricia, Alfie, Nina, Amber and Fabian all sitting down. I tried to listen to what they all were saying. ‘Finally, Sibuna’s back together’ Amber Yelled out. ‘Amber, Keep it down a little’ said Nina. ‘Sorry’ Amber said. ‘Ok, so now Eddie’s joined the Sibuna, you have to promise to not tell anyone’ Nina announced. ‘Yeah, I promise’ Eddie said. ‘So what now’ Alfie said. ‘I’ll keep you guys posted’ Nina said. I took a step back, knocking all the plants on the side. ‘What was that’ Fabian called out. I ran fast as possible not wanting to look back. I reached the house hoping they wouldn’t have spotted me. I opened the door and rushed off breathless to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed. What was Sibuna? I thought to myself. Why was the club or whatever even secretive? Maybe I was just being nosy. I got hold of my laptop and started listening to music and re searching. Just then Nina and Amber appeared. ‘Hey’ Amber Yelled. ‘Hi’ Nina said. ‘Oh hi guys, where have you been’ I smiled. ‘Oh just the Library, we had to finish some stuff off’ replied Nina. ‘Cool, well I’m going to go to the lounge downstairs” I said. They nodded. I brought my laptop with me. 

 I went off into the lounge and sat down on the couch crossing my legs. I started emailing my friends back at home, telling them how everything was. Just then I remembered grandpa would be on webcam at 7. I smiled. Suddenly Eddie approached, “Hey, Sorry before I had to do some things” He laughed. “It’s cool” I smiled. “Before you seemed upset, when you came from maths” He said. “I’m fine” I smiled. “But how come you’re not telling me what you and Mr Sweet were talking about” he asked. “It’s nothing, now can we just forget about it” I asked. He nodded. My mobile began to ring. Eddie stood up to make another sandwich in the kitchen. 

Phone conversation 

“Hello” I answered. 

“Hello” Grandpa replied. 

“Grandpa, I thought you’d be on webcam” I said. 

“Yeah, The laptops not working for a while, But there is something I need to talk to you about” he said  

“Sure” I said 

“The reason why we sent you to the House of Anubis boarding school is because your mother and father used to go there” He said. 

“Why would you do that” I asked. 

I stood up. 

“We’ve had this conversation before, their death wasn’t your fault” he said 

“It was my fault, and now you’re trying to make me feel bad” I said out loud. 

“Evie, That isn’t true, It isn’t just because they went their too, it’s something else” He said 

“What’s the something that’s so special you want to tell me” I asked. 

“Your mother had a key, A special key, She kept for you, But it got confiscated by the care taker named Victor, All these years… It’s still in the house.” he said.  

“She kept it for me” I asked. 

“Yes, She did, But I need you to get it” He said. 

“What happens when I get it” I asked. 

“You’ll wait and see” He said. 

“Is this a joke or something, this is just silly” I said. 

“Trust me it isn’t” he said. 

“Okay, But where do I look? I asked. 

‘’Try looking into his office, But don’t get caught’’ he answered bacl. 

‘’Okay, I’ll try my best” I said 

“Ok, Bye” He said. 

I hanged up on the phone. A key I said out loud. Eddie approached, “What key” he asked. I jumped. “Whoa, Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” He said, looking at me. I looked at him and quickly got hold of my laptop and ran off upstairs. I rushed into my room and put my laptop away, then I sat down on my bed. How much of that did he hear? I lay down, hours of thinking how I’m going to even get the key. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, ‘’Come in’’. It was Joy. ‘’Hey’’ She said. ‘’Hi’’ I replied back. Joy sat down. ‘’What’s up’’ she asked. ‘’Nothing much’’ I answered. Just then I sneezed, and then sneezed again, and again, and again, and again. ‘Whoa there’’ Joy laughed. My eyes began to water, and my arms started feeling itchy. ‘’Are you okay?’’ asked Joy. ‘’Yeah, I don’t know’’ I said. Just then I heard Victor ‘’Dinner is ready, Come downstairs now!’’ ‘’Come on, let’s go’’ announced Joy. I rubbed my eyes and went off downstairs. I sat down next to Amber and saw everyone eating. I pulled my sleeves up and noticed my whole arm burning up. I started itching it slightly. Just then I sneezed four times. Everyone glared at me. ‘’What’s up with you’’ Patricia laughed. Victor approached. I started to eat. After a while, I drank a sip of water and looked at my arm. The whole of it was red. I stood up. Victor looked at me. I looked at him, ‘’Oh, I’m finished’’ I smiled. ‘’I want it ALL finished’’ he shouted. I looked at my plate. I cleared my throat and sat back down. ‘’A little harsh’’ Jerome said. Victor looked at Jerome, then at me. I started itching nonstop, and then I sneezed again. ‘’I think you’re coming down with something’ ’Patricia laughed. Everyone looked at me and starting asking if I was okay, But for some reason, I felt so tired. ‘’I think I’ve finished eating’’ I said. ‘’Very well, Off you go’’ he said politely. As I stood up, I turned around and started walking. Maybe I was allergic to the plants near the library? I felt so confused.

As I arrived in my room, I fell asleep on my bed. 

*Dream* It was 11:00 in the middle of the night; I got up to get a glass of water. As I approached to the kitchen, there was a picture under the cupboard, I crouched down and grabbed hold of it. It looked like my mum; But Victor was in the picture which didn’t make any sense, just then I felt a touch on my shoulder. ‘’What on earth are you doing’’ Victor shouted. I screamed! I got up and realized it was a dream. I hoped I didn’t wake the others up. As I looked at my arm the redness had gone. Suddenly everyone started running into my room and stood there on the doorway, ‘’Are you okay’’ Everyone yelled out. Yeah, I’m fine, just a dream, sorry for waking you guys up. ‘’Um, it’s only 8:30’’ Patricia laughed. ‘’What’’ I yelled out. I quickly got up and tidied my bed up. ‘’It’s fine anyway, you didn’t seem okay before, But you look a lot better’’ Eddie said and smiled. I smiled back. After a while, everyone had gone to there room.   

Maybe the dream gave me a clue?

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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House of Anubis; Evie the NewbieWhere stories live. Discover now