Chapter 4 - Our Fight

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   Sasha wakes up with a start, screaming into the night, her body thrashing in terror. The door bursts open and Kar rushes in, quickly doing a sweep of the room with his gaze and then moving to the bed, climbing up onto the mattress and wrapping her in a hug, trying to soothe her. Slowly, she manages to calm down, her heartrate gradually returning to normal. She's stiff in his embrace, although finds herself eventually melting into him, enjoying the warmth of his hold and the protection that it promises.

"What was it?" Kar asks, his voice a husky whisper. She shudders, the cold creeping up to her, although she suddenly realises that she has no idea what she was dreaming about.

"I don't remember," she breathes, sniffling as a rogue tear slides down her cheek. She's bewildered by the fact that she already can't recall what had thrown her into such a state, waking the both of them up in the early hours of the morning, washing over her in a wave of fear. It was almost as if it never even happened.

"Are you okay?" She nods into his chest, subsequently wiping her face dry on his shirt. He gently brushes her hair back from her eyes and then releases her, climbing back off the bed. "Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine," she assures him, shaking her head and drawing the covers up around her, feeling bare again now that he's moved away. He waits a moment longer, watching over her, before he eventually turns and exits the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind himself on his way out.

She takes in a deep breath of cool air, realising that she's sweating somewhat, and reluctantly lays herself back down, curling up amongst the bedsheets to try and get some more sleep.


Over the course of the next five days, Sasha gradually grows more comfortable around Kar. Each night he comforts her as she wakes, kicking and screaming from the nightmares, none of which she can ever remember anything about. They spend their days practicing hand-to-hand combat, which she finds somewhat strange, although he assures her that it's for self-defence, 'just in case'. She's surprised at how agile and strong he is as he blocks each one of her throws, then manages to pin her to the ground, but he merely helps her back up to her feet and they start again.

As Saturday morning rolls around, she trudges out to the dining room to join him for breakfast, dressed in a light T-shirt and baggy jeans, with a cotton jacket shrugged on over her shoulders. She hesitates, however, when she notices an unfamiliar man sitting at her spot at the table. Kar notices her dawdling and beckons her over.

"Sasha, you're up," he says, smiling softly at her as she reluctantly pulls up a chair, her gaze locked onto the older man before her.

"Do you remember me?" the man asks of her. She shakes her head, stealing a piece of toast from Kar's plate to munch on. "My name is Peter." She smiles tightly, shifting her weight uncomfortably on the chair beneath her.

"It's nice to meet you," she murmurs, awkwardly. He chuckles, shaking his head at her.

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