Confusement - Always for everyone. (i)

26 2 8

                    Oh, thank god that was over.

                   She was heading home - alone - which was a rare occasion. Sadly, neither of her friends had come to school. So she had to go home alone without any fun, no need to secretly shop from the minimart to buy anything, it's boring without anyone else. PSLE is tough and boring too, what a day. 
                   She hummed a tune, carrying her light backpack.
                   Her imagination started playing with her, tossing her into situations that she knew would never happen. She could almost MAKE the situations appear before her very eyes, but sadly, the human brain doesn't do that. Dreams do, though.

                  She would proudly call herself a Frequent Lucid Dreamer. Someone who can control their dreams. However, she's limited to only control herself. Controlling the dream's adventures ruins the fun. It's quite strange that she'd get glimpses of the future. Not anything special, she had a dream about writing something in a notepad, with a goldfish in front of her. It happened. 
Sadly, the fish died the day after.

                  It's normal, right?

                 She always had a feeling that she was something different and bigger than the 12-year-old girl people view her as. She pushed those feelings away. If she began to feel superior, she'll be as cocky and selfish as before, nobody likes that.

                 A 1.53m short and curly-haired 12-year-old girl with an overreactive imagination.
                Sounds like it.

                She walked on the path, admiring the trees at the sides. She used to hope that a bowtruckle would appear from that. Dammit, stop thinking about movies! 

               There was barely anyone outside. The only person she sees is a boy, slightly taller than her. He had yellow (maybe dyed?)shaggy hair, bright yellow eyes - sheesh, this boy is a straight up banana - and had a smile stuck to his face. His shirt was slightly creased in a different tone of yellow. His pants - orange. Orange.

              It hurt her eyes. 


              But it definitely fits him. He must be living around there, or maybe visiting? Screw it, she's not good with deductions. She was staring at him, and the boy seemed to feel it. His head turned to face her. She quickly turned her face back forward and tried to continue walking. Speed-walking, to be specific. Her footsteps sounded louder as she stepped on dry leaves. Nothing else sounds louder than you trying to flee from an awkward situation.


           WALK FASTER.

          She heard the boy running after her. Should she run or not? If she runs, it'll make it even worse if the boy catches up to her. But it would lessen the chance of meeting up- agh, never mind, he was already near. 

          The boy put a hand on her shoulder, and she stopped walking instantly. Okay, change 'slightly' taller to 10cm taller. That's 3.94 inches for people who use that. Is that still slightly?

          She stood still, unsure of what to do. It's not every day you get chased for staring, is it illegal? Maybe she started a rivalship? She turned around. The boy didn't seem angry at all. He looked down (pfft) at her. 

          "Do I know you?"  he asked, his friendly smile never leaving his face.

           She looked at him blankly

           He stared back.


           It lasted a few seconds before the boy realised.

           "Oh! Sorry, I mistakened you for a friend of mine, she pretty much uh- saved my life?" he said, grinning at the memory.

             She nodded awkwardly, she would probably take any risk to greet her saviour if she ever had one. 

           The boy studied her features curiously.

           "You really look like her, it's almost confusing," he commented, scanning her with his yellow orbs.

          She shrugged, getting uncomfortable. 

          "How about we stay in touch?" he suggested.

        She blinked,

        "Um- I'm sorry, but we've been taught not to give numbers to strangers ? ? ?" she said warily.

      The boy tilted his head, "But doesn't it work here as well? Ah, well I'll give you my email, so you can choose to contact me yourself!"

      He wrote on a piece of paper he took out of his pocket  - with a pen that he also took out of his pocket. She squinted at him. He didn't seem like a bad guy, what harm could it be?

     He gave the piece of paper to her.

      "I have to go, contact me, will you?" he smirked, patting her head.

         Woah, okay that was sudden. He left with a wave, she waved back. Her head felt tingly after he patted her. She assumed that he was a foreigner. But everybody in the world knows that you don't pat someone you just met.  She stared at the paper in her hand. Well, that was the most exciting thing that ever happened in her life. Screw it if she dies, she's going to contact him. 

         She couldn't stop thinking about him. He was so flashy and cheerful, like something you'd see in an anime. Probably in between hot and cute- okay she's going too far.

        She made it home, it was 12 pm. She've already eaten. But she could only contact him at 8 pm. Or before. Considering that she only goes home during that time period.


       He sat down opposite his friend, "Sorry for being late, bumped into someone new."

      His friend stared at him, squinting, "You're always late."

      He shrugged, looking at the menu, "You too, Ray."

      'Ray' sighed, "Who did you meet?"

      He told him about her, the fact that she literally looked like a twin of their saviour. His eyes even twinkled, his smile widened. Ray knew that look.
      "I recall a certain someone having a crush on her," Ray commented, sipping his coffee cheekily.

       He immediately blushed. He had a thing for their saviour. At least she didn't find out. She was probably with somebody.

      He remembered the first day they met. His friends were going missing, black spots had appeared on the floor, everywhere. The sun was dim, and it was frightening

      She and her squad arrived. They solved the problem, managed to bring whoever was missing back and stopped the darkness easily. He also managed to have normal conversations with her.

    They left almost immediately when their quest was completed.


     She logged onto her Gmail account.


    ...she's missing.


hAH, clIFFHANGER- I planned to do 5,000 words, but I don't feel like it uwu. It's my first (original) book. I hope you like it? 

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