Chapter Nine- Amen

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The construction site was in the perfect position for the building's upper levels to overlook the FDR Drive and the East River. The higher floors would have a clear view of The Queensboro Bridge, Roosevelt Island, and Hunters Point. Prime real estate. I could feel the desecration from blocks away, and it wasn't new. No, either the builders broke ground on an ancient unhallowed sanctum or the veil between our world and the darkness was dangerously thin. I found it hard to believe that the two possibilities were mutually exclusive. The construction lights were on, but there were no signs of activity. It looked as if the work crews had wrapped up for the night.

We approached from the north, sticking to the shadows but attempting to appear casual. The odd observer would assume we were friends out for a night on the town. Jamila had on her swat gear, and Daiyu was wearing navy blue fatigues. Neither Ayize nor myself could fit Daiyu's extra clothes so we were wearing our street clothes. I felt underdressed in sweats and a polo, but at least I would die comfortable. The Uber driver didn't say anything or ask any questions so I have to assume we didn't stick out too much.

It was barely one in the morning, Ayize told us that the ritual needed to be done at full dark but before the witching hour. That gave us a little less than two hours to get the job done. Jamila had refined the plan as I dug up Daiyu's hidden cache. She wanted to drop as many fiends as we could, but the priority was Athalia and her blood sacrifices. She needed to violently murder five men of immoral character in a circle around an innocent with psychic talent. Both elements were integral to the ritual, and if we could remove either from the equation it would disrupt Athalia's plans.

We were just outside the gates of the construction site when Ayize stopped. She grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight enough that it was almost painful.

"I'm scared," she said. Her voice was small.

"There's no reason to be scared, lil sis," Jamila replied. "We do this all the time."

"Then why are all of you scared?" I couldn't argue with that. My heart was racing.

"I'm not scared, Ayize."

"But you are. You're afraid you'll get us all killed tonight."

"No.. I..."

"Fear is healthy, Ayize. Fear will keep you alive. Fear will keep you moving. Fear will keep you sharp," Daiyu said. "The trick is not to focus on the fear, focus on the task before us. We have a sacred duty to uphold."

"Plus this bitch killed Junior."

"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller..." Ayize mumbled.

"Stop saying my thoughts out loud," I whispered.

"Let's get to work," Jamila said. "You sense anything, Ayize?"

"Sixteen humans." She closed her eyes to concentrate on only the minds inside the work site.

"Six of those would be noncombatants," Daiyu said.

"Athalia is here, and there are six other fiends with her. One is different, primal like an animal."

"Whatever it is, it'll die like the rest," Jamila said.

"At least we know she's not expecting us," I observed. Jamila and Daiyu looked to me with curiosity, I shrugged. "Last time she blocked Ayize's gift so we couldn't track them."

"Well let's make this happen." Jamila rotated her neck and stretched her arms.

"There are four guards on the other side of the fence."

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