Chapter Four.

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    Tony lands at the rooftop, while Bruce and Clint went there as well. They kept quiet, waiting for any sign of villain on the run. "Nothing seems wrong out here." Tony says, walking around. He flies down from the building, looking around and wondering why there weren't anyone around. Clint grabs on one of the ropes and slides down. Banner heads down, descending the stairs. They went to the middle of the street.

"Look." Clint points at the ground.

"What is that?"

They all glance at that big hole. "Its like -until the very deep ground." Clint adds.

"What happened here?"

"There's something gleaming.." Bruce says.

"Wait a second.." Tony stares at the gleaming light and realizes it was a bomb. "Everyone, out! now! Its a trap-" Tony shouts, jumping away from the hole.

Clint and Bruce jumped as well, while the whole thing just blew off. Bruce started to get angsty.

   Soon enough, Dawn and the others came in. She ran to Bruce and tried to calm him down. "No, Bruce. Listen. Not just yet." She places her hand on his chest, "Calm down." She looks at his eyes, as he tried to calm himself down as well. "That's it. Breathe deeply." She rubs his shoulder, staring at him and not breaking eye contact. " Steve and Natasha just watched her, do the trick.

"You're gonna be okay. You hear me?" she places both her hands on Bruce's cheeks. "We'll get you out of here. Not now, not now." she says, and tries to get him to stand up. "Not just yet, Bruce. You'll be fine." Pricilla smirks at him.

"How does she do that?" Natasha asks Steve, looking at him. "I don't know." Steve replies running away and approaching Tony. He helped him get up.

"What happened?"

"Dawn's right. There's a trap. But we still don't know who did it."

Dawn approached both men, with Natasha. "No sign of any alienation? What if it's Loki?"

Thor came in, Dawn glanced at him. "I mean, God work?" she cleared her throat.

"Nope." Tony shook his head, 'no'.

"Maybe he's still here somewhere-" Clint says. And suddenly, they heard a loud thud.

It was Loki. He had his sphere. He started to flash this kind of strong power over Clint, he dodged it. Tony and Thor started to fight back. Tony held his hand up, and flashed. Loki got away.

Dawn was startled, she did not expect that he would show up. When she was about to try to go near Loki, Steve stopped her. "No. We got this. Go get Bruce."

She nodded at him and headed towards Bruce. She guarded him.

"Come on. Let's get back to Nick."

"Take the car!" Steve shouted, with his shield up.

"Thanks, cap!" Dawn replied, while they both ran to the car. She drove off to the base.

"You'll be okay, Bruce." She says driving, taking quick glances.

He did not look okay. He was groaning.

She had to bring him back in the Hellicarier. Fast.



Base, Hellicarier. [Dawn's POV]

"What happened?" Nick runs with the other agents toward us.

I had Bruce with my other arm, wrapped around his. I brought him closer, while the others took him. "Take care of him."

Before they put him in the other room, I call out for Bruce, "Calm yourself. Okay?" I look him in the eye.

Bruce stopped groaning, and gently nods. Then they started walking out.

"How'd you do that?" Nick asks

"Just don't pressure him, Sir." I step away, and faced the big screen.

Nick stood beside me, "So. Who was out there?"

"-Loki, sir."

"Of course. That dim-witted God."

"Who is he, anyway?" I look at the screen.

"He's Thor's adopted brother."

"I know that. But, why is he still here?"

"I guess, he's still in for the Tessaract." Nick stares at the screen, standing and leaning beside me. "You have to somehow tell him, that there is  no top of the earth." He adds.

"He still wants to rule over us?" I cross my arms.


"Well, I have to get back there."

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going back for them."

"Don't. You should go stay with Bruce first. He cannot become that other man."

I sigh. He's right. I should go to him.


"-Sir!" Steve suddenly came out of nowhere, he was panting.

"Captain. Where are the others?" Nick asks him.

"They're trying to catch Loki." He says, while he glances at me.

"Alright. Stay here. Maybe this is still one if his traps. Come with Dawn and calm Bruce down."

I look at Captain. I nod at him.

"Come on." I smirk at him. Then he put his shield down, and headed to Bruce with me.



Fury turns and watches Dawn leave with Steve, "They both would look great." Nick says to himself.

One of the agents stops and stands beside him, "Partners? Why not?" She shrugs, then leaves heading to the other side. Nick glances at her then back at the three agents heading off.

The Perfect Partner [AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon