Chapter 43

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I paused in my tracks. My clone had sent me a message telepathically. The four sound ninja that were with him have him a pill to awaken the second state of the curse mark. The catch was that he had to basically be half dead for a while so his body could accommodate for the changes that were going to take place.

Just how far is Sasuke willing to go? And for what? Power? Revenge? Of all the things he could do, why this? What if he actually dies during this? All of these questions swirled in my head.

"Angel, what's wrong? Why did you stop?" Shikamaru asked, bringing be back out of my thoughts.

"My clone sent me a message. Things aren't looking good. We need to hurry." I responded. I raced off to the direction Sasuke and the other ninja were in.

"Wait! What do you mean, things aren't looking good?" Naruto asked after he caught up.

"The curse mark. The ninja he's with have him a pill to awaken the next stage of it. After he took it he entered what my mother would call the veil. It's an in between state. You're not quite dead but you're not quite alive either." I explained.

"So Sasuke's dieing?" He replied in a worried voice.

"In a senses, yes , but the ninja he's with performed a jutsu that sould keep him in the veil until the awakening is complete. The only thing is that if they didn't succeed then Sasuke will die. That's why we need to hurry."

"Why would Sasuke put his life in the hands of complete strangers?"

"Why is Sasuke doing anything that he's doing?" I answer his question with a question. All of this was so confusing. I barely handle it.

"Angel can't you communicate with people telepathically?" Neji asked. I was taken aback by his question.

"Yes, but how did you know that I could do that. I only told my teammates and my brothers are the only other ones that know." I claimed.

"I overheard a couple of Jounins taking about it a while back. Seems like someone spilled and news spread." It must have been one of my idiot brothers boasting about my abilities. Or maybe it was Naruto. We all know how well he keeps his mouth shut.

"Oh well why did you being it up?" I asked curiously.

"I was thinking maybe you could try and take some sense into Sasuke and convince him to come back willingly."

"That would make this mission a lot easier." Shikamaru chimed in.

"It would but I would have to be at a close enough range in order to do so for just simply talking to him. But even I did get close enough im not sure if i could since hes in the veil. Maybe if I entered his consciousness then I could possibly talk to him then. But I'm not sure if that even possible. And the biggest problem with entering his consciousness is that I would have to rely on you guys to protect my body during that time. That can be a hassle within it's self. And not to mention the amount of chakra I would use up and the amount I have already used for my clone. To top it all off I have only really used these jutsus in the battle field a few times and haven't had many chances to actually train with them. I would easily become more useless and a burden than I would bring helpful. "

"I see" Neji said. I felt kinda bad for disappointing him but then again I can only do so much with the abilities I acquired a few months ago.


We had finally caught up to the sound ninja. They had stopped to rest. Everything went to Shikamaru's plan until they were all caught by on of the sound ninja. I was the only one who had somehow not been caught by the addly strong string that the others were caught by. But thing seen to work out until one of the sound ninja undid Shikamaru's shadow possession.

Right now my comrades were stuck in what seemed to be a rock barrier by the bigger one of the four ninja. The other three were leaving with the coffin that Sasuke was in. I had an almost impossible choice to make. Chase after Sasuke and left my friends and comrades behind? Or stay and help them and let the other sound ninja get further away with Sasuke after we had just caught up. I was so torn. What should I do?

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