Drunken Story

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Everyone was drunk including Slenderman , Dr. Smiley has bows in his hair. Jeff is hanging onto Dark stating that the crazy woman (Leo) wants to kiss him , Taurus is dancing to big butts with a half naked Offenderman with my little pony stickers on his chest. Gemini is singing a solo while riding the vacuum cleaner (Shadow Link is pushing the vacuum) , Cancer has passed out with EJ who is covered in glitter and kiss marks on his face Leo is screaming for her Jeffey-Poo to come to her. Virgo is in the kitchen hiding under the kitchen table with a bowl on her head and a spoon in her hand claiming that the ZOMBIES will attack , Libra is chasing Smile dog claiming it's the couch and she wants to sleep. Scorpio is wearing the toilet ring as a necklace saying it's gorgeous , Trendorman arguing that it should belong to him because HE is the fabulous one. Sagg is making out with Ben who seems to be hopelessly in love , Capricorn and Slenderman is missing and nowhere to be seen all while no one noticed that Pisces is killing Offenderman.

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