What if...

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(Ross' POV)

I groaned as I heard feet heading towards my room, knowing they were coming to wake me up. Quickly, I  lifted the covers over my head and shifting near the wall. Before I could do anything more, I heard my sisters voice appear in my room. "Ross, you're still in bed?" She sighed and sat down on the side of my bed. "Maybe.." I whispered then yawned. "What time is it?" She checked her phone while I slowly sat up, moving the covers off me and stretching. "9:30" She said, giving me a smile.

I smiled back at her and swung my legs off the side of my bed and lifted myself up, stretching once more. I looked at her and chuckled, "Okay I'm up now, wait for me downstairs. I'll be down in a bit". She nodded and laughed as she left my room and shut the door behind her. I went over to my window and opened the blinds for some sunlight. I squinted as the sun shined into my room.

After adjusting to the light I went over to my dresser and pulled out some jeans, socks, and boxers. I put everything on but a shirt. it was too hot for a shirt. After I was done I opened my door and headed downstairs, smelling pancakes. I smiled and rushed to the kitchen. "Better have saved some for me!" I laughed and looked around for a plate, I grabbed one and went over to mom for some pancakes. "Ah, I see you're up now. how did you sleep sweetheart?" She said as she put some pancakes on my plate. I smiled, "Great! Thanks."

She nodded as I went to the table seeing the rest of my siblings sitting around it. Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and Rydel. I sat beside Rocky and started eating my pancakes. "Don't forget about tonight, Ross" My mom turned to the table and looked at me, I looked back and finished chewing. "What about tonight?" Was I suppose to remember what was happening tonight? "The concert me and your father are taking you to" I rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat as I heard her say it. Oh yeah, the concert I don't want to go to. "Right.." I said and finished my pancakes.

I don't even know who im going to see. They wont tell me. I walked up to my room and looked out my window again, watching everybody walk by. Then somebody drew my attention, but it was a guy. Possibly a cute guy?  Whoa, wait... I shook my head fast to snap out of it, did I really just think that? I have been thinking about things and maybe I could be... No! stop it, I cant be gay. I looked away from my window and hit my head with my hand a few times. I couldn't help but look again.  So I did, and I still thought the same thing.

Hours passed very quickly before it was only 20 minutes then I had to leave with my parents. I was ready to go, I finally put on a nice shirt and looked at the time on my phone. "4:10"  I heard a voice from behind me say. it was Rydel. I turned around to her and nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know" She came closer to me and fixed my hair. "You're going to like it, Ross" I waited and stood still as she finished. "I am?" I questioned her. "You will, trust me." I nodded as she finished.

"Ross, now!" I heard my dad say impatiently, I came running down the stairs, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I put my shoes on and walked out to the car and got in the back. I straight away took out my phone and tweeted, "Gonna be a long night. Wish me luck".  I sat back in my seat and looked out the window as my parents got in.

(Moms POV)

Me and Rydel have been noticing that Ross hasn't been himself lately. We think he's too shy yet to tell us, but we think he might be attracted to guys. This concert is a Culture Club concert, we know the singer, and the band. Bur Ross doesn't know we know. After the show, he is going to meet the singer.  

{Name: George} And he is a gay performer

Maybe Ross might get influenced by him and finally come out instead of hiding it.

(Ross' POV)

The drive was longer then I thought, traffic was bad too. But we finally got there and made our way inside. The opening DJ already started and the place was full. My mom said we have seats in the front ish, so she dragged me to the front and sat me down. It was just the beginning of the concert and I still wasn't impressed by any of if.

Then the DJ finally got off stage and all the lights went out, the crowd (mostly of girls) screamed louder then I have ever heard. I jumped because I was a bit scared. then some white lights went on the stage, followed by a drummer starting to play. "How is everybody doing tonight?" I heard a guy with a British accent come from a Mic that was obviously offstage. I simply just nodded as everybody screamed louder.

My mom kept looking over at me once in awhile. Then I heard a harmonica starting to play and some other instruments in the background. Finally a guy came out wearing what looked like a dress, but wasn't. It was a white gown with numbers on it, and he was wearing converse with spikes on it. I haven't looked at his face yet, I haven't got a chance, I finally raised my eyes to his face. He had longer brown hair with a black hat. His eyes were blue, and he also wore a glove on one hand.

I smiled and got into the groove of it as he started singing. Okay maybe he was good. And damn was he ever good looking. I stopped smiling and widened my eyes. I looked at my mom with sad eyes, and she looked back at me, and nodded telling me that she knows why im not really upset but more confused. She gave me a smile, I started to smile back and enjoy him and his good looks.

I looked at him as he danced around the stage, "Damn..." I whispered. "Am I changing?" I kept watching him, until he made his way to the part of the crowd where I am and pointed at me. I'm guessing this is where he interacts with his fans and stuff. So I smiled until he said something which made me nervous. "You there!" He held out his hand. I looked at my mom then at him. I got up and with his help, I went onstage,

Security guards came and helped me around to backstage. I looked at them and waited, getting a text from my mom..

"His name is George, he will help you through this time, we know it can be hard so we got you help. Once he's done the concert he will come see you, then once you guys are done. we'll see you at home. xox"

I let out a big sigh and put my phone away. What if my fans find out I'm gay.. What if I don't like myself for it.. What if..


Hey! I hope you guys like it! its my first time writing these things xD Hope its good enough for you guys to tell me to write more. :/ lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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