⌈dinner time⌋

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ROMAN CREST WAS SAT BY THE GLOW OF THE FIRE WHEN HIS LETTER TO HOGWARTS ARRIVED. His cousin had gotten hers two years ago and every time she came back, so did the wondrous stories of the castle and its teachers.

He had camped by the front door after his eleventh birthday, believing that his letter would arrive faster if he did so. On the eighteenth day, when he had decided to sit by the fire with his aunt and uncle who brought him hot chocolate, he heard tapping on the window beside the door and wasted no time in getting to the Tawny owl (without, of course, forgetting to bring it something to eat).

He was welcomed to Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After that, he spent everyday packing, unpacking, and repacking his trunk, thinking each time that he had forgotten something. He had almost stuffed his pet snake, Bix, inside and after realizing his mistake apologized to Bix, even coming to tears for his foolishness.

When he arrived to Hogwarts, he was more excited than he ever remembered. And when he was sorted into Hufflepuff he was even more ecstatic to be in the same house as his uncle.

He had learned there that the remaining three houses thoroughly underestimated the Hufflepuffs; seeing them as nothing but dumb or weak goody-two-shoes. And Roman could not and would not stand for that.

He had been sent to detention for his acts of minor rebellion: pranking (even collaborating with Fred and George a few times), fooling around, but never harming anyone. That was something he would never allow. And his aunt, who had taken up the post of Ancient Runes, was both amused and disappointed in him. Mostly amused. But because of his acts of generosity, kindness, and cheerful personality no one would label him as a bad boy. If someone were to say that he was bad news, everyone would laugh and/or look at them in disbelief. ("Crest?! Please, he's a sheep in sheep's clothing.")

And now he was moving on to his fifth year with the intention of completing his OWLs.

But as of this moment, he and his cousin, Debora, along with his aunt and uncle were going to number twelve, Grimmauld Place every few days. His aunt and uncle were apart of the Order of the Phoenix (which he admittedly rambled on about how cool it was), and as such, he and his cousin were informed about the doings along with the other children in the house. Vaguely.

He had learned that Voldemort (cue his cousin's gasp) was back, Sirius Black was actually innocent (and really cool in Roman's opinion) and was back with his wife, Estelle (who was a badass dragonologist with many scars with stories behind them and was his aunt's best friend), and that they now had to be more careful with Death Eaters at every corner nowadays.

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