ANOTHER! *smash*

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1) run down in a highly populated area in Rivendell/Mirkwood/Lothlorién screaming, "DONT EAT THE LEMBAS! IT HAS PEEEEEEEEOPLE IN IT!!!" (you'll only get it if your awesome)

2) start a shoe store in the shire OR a store that strictly sells meat and thick boots in an Elven realm


NOT SO GLORIOUS PURPOSE. OF A WORLD MADE FREE!" and if someone asks, free of what? Reply "YOUR MUM!"

4) if you see an Elf trip, stumble or fall yell, "DAMMIT MOON MOON!" and if you see said elf anywhere else say, "Okay, who the fuck invited Moon Moon?!?!"

5) call Legolas, Lego-sass, Lego-ass, Moon Moon, Greenleaf Greenleaf, Lelly or lil' leaf just to get on his nerves

6) Try not to get killed by Thranduil because he hates pretty much every thing that even breaths in his direction

7) go to Erebor and when people come near shout, "DAMN! THAT IS ONE FIIIIIINE ROCK!" and see their reactions

8) if you see a particularly 'hot' dwarf, elf, hobbit, man hell even friggen orc, just stare at it and say, "Shit son! Deduce me a piece of that!" and do a sassy Z snap thingy

9) tell 'beings' the story lines of really popular movies and then say that thats your life story, even if it involves you being a talking car. For example: "I was nothing but a stolen relic, kept around until they might have use of me..."

10) swear. A lot

11) give yourself a different name each time you introduce yourself, just to start fights over YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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