Chapter 1

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*Alarm clock goes off* BEEP!BEEP!BEEP!
Ugh I dread today I have my first day of 4th grade.After I got up I went downstairs and come to find my dad was doing drugs and my mom stated yelling at me for no reason,that was odd."mom!whats wrong?!" I shouted over her."jade get over here your getting a beaten for talking back!!"she responds shouting."bu-"she gripped my arm tightly laid me against the couch and started beating me."mom!" I cried."shut up,you stupid little girl!!" She shouted.Then she threw me in the floor and told me to get dressed for school,so I did.
I get dressed,grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door before I got another beating.I was thinking why she was this way this morning:(I was very sad.
I don't wanna go back home.I dread it!!I don't want my mom to hurt me again.but as I arrived through the door she swung me around and started at it."Why?! Why?! Why me" I cried to myself.

And everyday after that she gave me a beating in the morning and right when I arrive home from school.Now I dread every day of my LIFE!

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